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S_MA_STU_X (ver 15.11.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type


StudentsDCID15.11.0Number(10,0)Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table.




Code indicating the student's enrollment status on the count date of the SIMS Data Collection report. Migrates from [Students]MA_EnrollStatus.

GradCompleteCoreCurriculum15.11.0Varchar2(2)Indicates whether or not the student has met the graduation requirements of the Massachusetts Core Curriculum. Migrates from [Students]MA_Graduate.
IncludeInSASIDMSRInd15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student should be explicitly included in the SASID MSR report . Migrates from [Students]MA_MSRRptFlag.
LocalAssignedStudentID15.11.0Varchar2(32)Local ID assigned to the student by the school if the ID cannot be stored in [Students]Student_Number. Migrates from [Students]MA_LASID.
MilitaryStatus17.5.0Varchar2(2)Migrates from [Students]MA_MA_MILITARYSTATUS
OverrideSchoolCode15.11.0Varchar2(8)School code to report for the student if the student's enrolled school code should not be reported. Migrates from [Students]MA_SchoolCode.
PostGradPlans15.11.0Varchar2(3)Code indicating what the student plans to do after completing high school. Migrates from [Students]PostGradPlans.
ReasonForEnrollment15.11.0Varchar2(2)Code Indicating the reason for the student’s enrollment in the receiving school district.. Migrates from [Students]MA_EnrollCode.
ReasonForReporting15.11.0Varchar2(2)Code indicating the district’s financial responsibility for the student. Migrates from [Students]MA_RptReason.
SIF_DistrictResident15.11.0Varchar2(10)Indicates the student's residency status within the district. Published in the SIF StudentAttendanceSummary object. Migrates from [Students]MA_SAS_Resident.
SIF_FT_PT_FTE15.11.0Varchar2(10)Indicates if the student is a full time or part time student. Published in the SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment object. Migrates from [Students]MA_SIF_FTE.
SummerDropOut15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student is a summer dropout. Migrates from [Students]MA_SumDrop.
SummerGraduate15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student is a summer graduate. Migrates from [Students]MA_SumGrad.
SummerTransfer15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student is a summer transfer. Migrates from [Students]MA_SumTransfer.
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