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S_MA_SGR_X (ver 15.11.0)

This table is an extension of the StoredGrades table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [StoredGrades] table.

MarkNotRequired15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates the course associated with this stored grade record does not receive a grade or a mark. Migrates from [StoredGrades]MA_marknotrequired.
NoPercent15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates the course associated with this stored grade record receives a Pass/Fail mark but not a numeric/percentage grade. Migrates from [StoredGrades]MA_nopercent.
State_ExcludeFromReporting15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not this stored grade record is excluded from state reporting (1 = excluded). Migrates from [StoredGrades]MA_exclude_mark_from_scs.
Ungraded15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the course associated with this stored grade record is an ungraded course. Migrates from [StoredGrades]MA_ungraded.
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