S_MA_REN_SPED_X (ver 15.11.0)
This table is an extension of the Reenrollments table and maintains student level data related to SPED.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ReenrollmentsDCID | 15.11.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Reenrollments] table. |
AlternativeEducation | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(8) | The program number for the alternative education program the student is participating in. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_AltEd. |
LevelOfNeed | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(3) | The amount and type of service that a student receives inside and outside of the general education environment as determined by the district's review of the student’s IEP. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_LevNeed. |
PrimaryDisability | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(3) | The primary disability or condition that qualifies the student for special education services. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_PrimDisabil. |
SPED3to5Placement | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(2) | An indication of the educational environment of a student aged 3-5 with disabilities. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpecEd35. |
SPED6to21Placement | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(2) | An indication of the educational environment of a student aged 6-21 with disabilities. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpecEd621. |
SPEDEvaluationResults | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(2) | An indication of the results of a special education evaluation completed after the end of the last school year. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpEdEvaluationRes. |