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S_MA_REN_SPED_X (ver 15.11.0)

This table is an extension of the Reenrollments table and maintains student level data related to SPED.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Reenrollments] table.

AlternativeEducation15.11.0Varchar2(8)The program number for the alternative education program the student is participating in. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_AltEd.




The amount and type of service that a student receives inside and outside of the general education environment as determined by the district's review of the student’s IEP. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_LevNeed.

PrimaryDisability15.11.0Varchar2(3)The primary disability or condition that qualifies the student for special education services. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_PrimDisabil.
SPED3to5Placement15.11.0Varchar2(2)An indication of the educational environment of a student aged 3-5 with disabilities. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpecEd35.
SPED6to21Placement15.11.0Varchar2(2)An indication of the educational environment of a student aged 6-21 with disabilities. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpecEd621.
SPEDEvaluationResults15.11.0Varchar2(2)An indication of the results of a special education evaluation completed after the end of the last school year. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MA_SpEdEvaluationRes.
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