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S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C (ver 16.5.1)

This table is a child of the [Log] table and stores information to related to Logs of Type "Restraint".

Column Name


Data Type


ID16.5.1Number(11,0)Primary Key for this table.
LogDCID16.5.1Number(10,0)Foreign Key that links this table to the [Log] table.
PersonRole16.5.1Varchar2(50)The role the person involved in the application or use of restraint played in the incident.
PersonLastFirst16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person involved in the application or use of restraint.
PersonTitle16.5.1Varchar2(50)The title of the person involved in the application or use of restraint.
HasInDepthRestraintTraining16.5.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the person involved in the application or use of restraint had received in-depth restraint administration training.
HasRestraintPreventionTraining16.5.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the person involved in the application or use of restraint had received in-depth restraint prevention or behavior training.
ReportOrder16.5.1Number(11,0)Indicates the order the person of a specific role type should appear on the report if there are multiple people involved who share that same role.
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