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S_MA_LOG_RestraintNotify_C (ver 16.5.1)

This table is a child of the [Log] table and stores information to related to Logs of Type "Restraint".

Column Name


Data Type


ID16.5.1Number(11,0)Primary Key for this table.
LogDCID16.5.1Number(10,0)Foreign Key that links this table to the [Log] table.
NotifyDate16.5.1DateThe date notification of the application of restraint was attempted or provided to another party. 
NotifyTime16.5.1Varchar2(8)The time the notification of the application of restraint was attempted or provided to another party.
NotifyMethodType16.5.1Varchar2(100)The method used when the notification of the application of restraint was attempted or delivered to the other party (Verbal, Written, etc).
NotifyMethodDesc16.5.1Varchar2(200)An additional description of the method used when the notification of the application of restraint was attempted or delivered to the other party
ContactType16.5.1Varchar2(25)A classification of the person who was notified of the application or use of restraint such as Parent/Guardian or Administrator.
ContactName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who was notified of the application or use of restraint.
NotifyPhone16.5.1Varchar2(30)The phone number of the person called if the notification was attempted over the phone.
NotifyWrittenAddress16.5.1Varchar2(200)The address a written notification of the application of restraint was sent to or delivered to.
NotifyLanguage16.5.1Varchar2(50)The language the notification of the application of restraint was written in, if other than English.
DiscussionResults16.5.1Varchar2(500)The results of any discussion that occurred with the parent(s)/guardian(s) after they were notified of the use of restraint against the student.
NotifierName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who provided the written notification of the application of restraint.
NotifierTitle16.5.1Varchar2(50)The title of the person who provided the written notification of the application of restraint.
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