S_MA_LOG_RestraintJustify_C (ver 16.5.1)
This table is a child of the [Log] table and stores information to related to Logs of Type "Restraint".
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 16.5.1 | Number(11,0) | Primary Key for this table. |
LogDCID | 16.5.1 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key that links this table to the [Log] table. |
JustifyCode | 16.5.1 | Varchar2(10) | Internally stored code associated with the state defined justification reason for applying the restraint. This code does not appear on any reports but state defined reason associated with the code does appear on the Restraint Injury Report. This code is a place holder in case the state codifies the values in the future. |