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S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X (ver 16.5.1)

This table is an extension of the Log table, which maintains offense, discipline, and restraint data for students.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Log] table.

State_ExcludeFromReporting16.5.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not this log entry should be excluded from state reporting.




Indicates if the restraint took place in a setting outside of the district.

OODAgencyName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The agency or collaborative name where the out of district restraint took place, if applicable.


16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the out of district program the student was participating in when the restraint occurred.
RestraintDate16.5.1DateThe data the student was restrained.
RestraintStartTime16.5.1Varchar2(8)The time the restraint started.
RestraintEndTime16.5.1Varchar2(8)The time the restraint ended.
RestraintDurationExplanation16.5.1Varchar2(500)An explanation of why a restraint was applied for more than 20 minutes if the difference between the restraint start time and restraint end time is more than 20 minutes.
ExtendedTimeApproverName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the authorized person who approved the use of restraint against a student for longer than 20 minutes.
ExtendedTimeApproverTitle16.5.1Varchar2(50)The title of the person who approved the use of restraint against a student for longer than 20 minutes.
VerbalReporterName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who verbally reported the use of restraint to a school administrator.
VerbalReporterTitle16.5.1Varchar2(50)The title of the person who verbally reported the use of restraint to a school administrator.
IEPInd16.5.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student was on an Individualized Education Plan at the time the restraint was applied.
PersonCompletingFormName16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person who either filled out the original restraint report form, or the person who completed the log entry in PowerSchool.
PersonCompletingFormTitle16.5.1Varchar2(50)The title of the person who either filled out the original restraint report form, or the person who completed the log entry in PowerSchool.
SubjectPeriod16.5.1Varchar2(4)Code representing the subject or period the student was in when the restraint was applied. Codes correspond to the following values: Academic, Homeroom, Study Hall, Enrichment, Lunch, Recess, Other.
RestraintLocation16.5.1Varchar2(4)Code representing the location where the student restraint took place. Codes correspond to the following values: Classroom, Cafeteria, Bathroom, Hallway, Gymnasium, Outside, Other.
HoldUsed16.5.1Varchar2(4)Code representing the type of hold used on the student. Codes correspond to the following values: Standing, Floor Supine, Floor Prone, Seated, Other




A description of the student's demeanor and well being and how the student was monitored after the restraint.




An explanation of why a particular hold was used to restrain the student.




An explanation of the activity the restrained student or others involved were engaged in prior to the use of physical restraint.




An explanation of any disciplinary action taken against the student as a result of this incident. Note: Suspensions or expulsions also require a corresponding SSDR Discipline Log entry.




Description of any alternative or de-escalation techniques used or attempted to try to try to prevent escalation of the situation.
JustifyingBehavior16.5.1Varchar2(500)An explanation of the student behavior that justified the use of restraint.
ContactPerson16.5.1Varchar2(100)The name of the person the parents of the student should contact if they want to discuss any aspect of the restraint.
InjuryInd16.5.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not anyone was injured during the application of the restraint.
PersonsInjuredType16.5.1Varchar2(25)Indicates whether the person(s) injured was a student or a staff member or both if multiple people were injured.
InjuryDescription16.5.1Varchar2(500)A description of the nature and extent of any injuries sustained, the medical care provided and any follow-up medical attention which may be needed.
RestraintSite16.5.1Varchar2(100)A description of the location where the restraint took place.
InjOtherInfoOrRestraint16.8.0Varchar2(500)A description of Additional restraints/Other Information.
AdminInformedName16.8.0Varchar2(100)Name of Administrator who was informed following the restraint.
AdminInformedTitle16.8.0Varchar2(50)Title of Administrator who was informed following the restraint.
AdminInformedVerbalNotifyDate16.8.0DateDate of verbal notification to Administrator who was informed following the restraint.
AdminInformedWrittenNotifyDate16.8.0DateDate of written notification to Administrator who was informed following the restraint.
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