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S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X (ver 15.3.0)

This table is an extension of the Log table, which maintains offense and discipline data for students.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Log] table.

ActionTaken15.11.0Varchar2(10)Code indicating the discipline action taken against the student perpetrator in this log entry. Migrates from [Log]MA_DAT.
AEOtherSpecExplanation15.3.0Varchar2(500)Additional information related to the educational services provided or the reason educational services were not provided.




Indicates whether or not alternative education was provided to the student. Migrates from [Log]MA_AEInc.

AltEdNotProvidedCode15.11.0Varchar2(2)Code indicating the reason alternative education was not provided to the student. Migrates from [Log]MA_NAE.


15.11.0Varchar2(2)Code indicating the type of alternative education that was provided to the student. Migrates from [Log]MA_AE.
AppealCode15.3.0Number(1,0)Indicates if the student appealed the suspension/expulsion decision to the superintendent.
DaysMissed15.11.0Number(25,10)The number of days of school the student missed due to the disciplinary action taken. Migrates from [Log]MA_DaysMissed.
DisciplineActionIndicator15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether or not this offense resulted in a disciplinary action. Migrates from [Log]MA_DiscInd.
EligibleReturnDate15.11.0DateThe date the student was eligible to return to school. Migrates from [Log]MA_EligibleReturnDate.
ExtraSuspDays15.3.0Number(11,0)The number of additional suspension days beyond the emergency removal.
IncidentDesciption15.11.0Varchar2(100)A general description of the incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_INC_DESC.
NonSchoolPersVictimCount15.11.0Number(11,0)The number of non-school personnel victims involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_VNSCHP.
NonStudentOffenderCount15.11.0Number(11,0)The number of non-student offenders involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_OFFENS.




Additional description for offense 1.




Additional description for offense 2.




Additional description for offense 3.




Additional description for offense 4.




Additional description for offense 5.
OffenseDate15.11.0DateThe date the offense occurred. Migrates from [Log]MA_OFFDATE.
PhysicalInjuryInd15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the offense resulted in a physical injury. Migrates from [Log]MA_PHYSINJ.
ProgramStatusCode15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether or not the student is in special education and has an IEP. Migrates from [Log]MA_PST.
ReturnDate15.11.0DateThe date the student returned to school after the disciplinary action. Migrates from [Log]MA_ReturnDate.
SchoolPersVictimCount15.11.0Number(11,0)The number of school personnel victims involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_VSCHP.
SevereBodilyInjuryOffenseInd15.11.0Varchar2(2)Indicates whether or not the student is being disciplined as a result of an incident that caused serious bodily injury. Migrates from [Log]MA_BiInd.
SOT115.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for the primary offense that was committed which resulted in a disciplinary action.
SOT215.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for an additional offense that was committed which resulted in a disciplinary action, if applicable.
SOT315.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for an additional offense that was committed which resulted in a disciplinary action, if applicable.
SOT415.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for an additional offense that was committed which resulted in a disciplinary action, if applicable.
SOT515.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for an additional offense that was committed which resulted in a disciplinary action, if applicable.
StartDate15.11.0DateThe date the disciplinary action started for the student. Migrates from [Log]MA_StartDate.
StateIncidentID15.11.0Varchar2(30)ID that uniquely identifies this incident and other related incidents to the state. Migrates from [Log]MA_IncidentID.
State_ExcludeFromReporting15.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates if this discipline record should be excluded from state reporting. Migrates from [Log]MA_OFFIND.
StudentOffenderCount15.11.0Number(11,0)Count of student offenders that were involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_OFFES.
StudentOffense115.11.0Varchar2(4)Code for an offense committed as part of this incident whether or not the offense resulted in an action. Migrates from [Log]MA_OT1.
StudentOffense215.11.0Varchar2(4)Code for a second offense committed as part of this incident whether or not the offense resulted in an action. Migrates from [Log]MA_OT2.
StudentOffense315.11.0Varchar2(4)Code for a third offense committed as part of this incident whether or not the offense resulted in an action. Migrates from [Log]MA_OT3.
StudentOffense415.11.0Varchar2(4)Code for a fourth offense committed as part of this incident whether or not the offense resulted in an action. Migrates from [Log]MA_OT4.
StudentOffense515.11.0Varchar2(4)Code for a fifth offense committed as part of this incident whether or not the offense resulted in an action. Migrates from [Log]MA_OT5.
StudentVictimCount15.11.0Number(11,0)Count of student victims that were involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_VS.
UnknownOffenderCount15.11.0Number(11,0)Count of unknown offenders that were involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_OFFEU.
UnknownVictimCount15.11.0Number(11,0)Count of unknown victims that were involved in this incident. Migrates from [Log]MA_VU.
DiscEndDate17.7.0DateDiscipline End Date
SSDR_Disciplinary_Action19.8.2Boolean(1)Indicates whether the incident resulted in a referral to law enforcement.
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