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S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X (ver 16.11.0)

This table is an extension of the [Log] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Log] table.




Checkbox for Zero Tolerance incident
Referred_Law_Enforcement_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox for Referred to Law Enforcement
School_Arrest_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox for School Arrest
Offense_Category16.11.0Varchar(4)Offense Category Code 1 through 12 indicating type of offense (see CRDC documentation)
Discipline_Disability_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was student disciplined for Harassment based on Disability?
Discipline_Race_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was student disciplined for Harassment based on Race/Ethnicity?
Discipline_Sex_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was student disciplined for Harassment based on Gender?
Report_Harassed_Disability_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was victim Harassed based on Disability?
Report_Harassed_Race_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was victim Harassed based on Race/Ethnicity?
Report_Harassed_Sex_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - was victim Harassed based on Gender?
Allege_Harass_Disability_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - did incident include allegation of Harassment based on Disability?
Allege_Harass_Race_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - did incident include allegation of Harassment based on Race/Ethnicity?
Allege_Harass_Sex_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - did incident include allegation of Harassment based on Gender?
Allege_Harass_Religion_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - did incident include allegation of Harassment based on Religion?
Allege_Harass_Orientation_TF16.11.0Number(1,0)Checkbox - did incident include allegation of Harassment based on Sexual Orientation?
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