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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note

PSSR-310569Add Additional Literacy Test Fields for Mid Year and End of Year Literacy Screening

Additional literacy testing fields have been added to the LA database to collect literacy testing data for the middle and end of year testing that is now required to be reported to EdLink. A new dropdown for the Literacy Screening cycle has been added to the K-3 Assessment page. The options are Beginning of Year, Middle of Year, and End of Year. Based on the selection for this field, the subsequent literacy fields will correspond to one of the three testing cycles. Users must select the appropriate screening cycle prior to updating the literacy information.

PSSR-309568All States/Provinces: ReportWorks Startup Time Update

The ReportWorks/SRP config files have now been modified to be called only through the re-initialization cycle. This improves the SRP startup times and avoids previously reported failures.

PSSR-311828All States/Provinces: State Validation Tab Visible for All States

The State Validation tab that was introduced in SR 22.12.2 in error is now removed from the System Reports area of PowerSchool.

PSSR-308481All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Update

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.3

The Incident Profile report has been updated and no longer duplicates incident data.

PSSR-310570Date Range for Selecting Students and Screening Cycle to K-3 Assessment EdLink Extract

LA EdLink K-3 Assessments: Version 2.7

The LA EdLink K-3 Assessments has been updated to pull the data from corresponding fields based on the new Screening Cycle report parameter. New parameters are also added to identify the enrollment date range used for selecting the students for the report. If the student has at least one enrollment day within the date range, the student is reported. Districts should delete any existing scheduled occurrence of this report and create a new one to ensure all report parameters are available when generating the report for the EdLink submission.

PSSR-311548LA EdLink K-3 Assessments - 'Use Enrollment Schoolid for Edlink reporting' Option Not Working

LA EdLink K-3 Assessments: Version 2.7

The LA EdLink K-3 Assessments report has been updated to consider the ‘Use Enrollment SchoolID for EdLink Reporting’ setting in the District setup:

  • If this is selected, the report will pull the site code from the student’s enrollment_schoolid
  • If this is not selected, the report will pull the site code from the student’s SchoolID
PSSR-307849Limited the Population of the PK_FUNDING_CODE to Grades 20 and 24 in EdLink Enrollments_ext File

The PK_FUNDING_CODE field is now only populated for students in grades 20 and 24 in the Edlink Enrollments_ext file.

PSSR-290221Modified Career Option Codes To Use as a Code Set

All existing Career Option codes have been moved to a new ‘Career Option Codes’ Code Set table, available under District Setup. Districts will now be able to maintain this information themselves. Whenever the LDOE introduces new codes or inactivates existing ones, the Districts will be responsible for making these changes. Ensure the Reported Value is populated for each code.

On the Academics/Progress tab, the student Career Option Code field now displays the information in the Code Set.

PSSR-310244Modified Career Option Codes To Use as a Code Set in Report Updates

The Student Transcript Report (STS) and the EdLink Transcript report (sts_demographics) now pull the Career Option Codes data from the reported value on the new Career Option Codes code set.

PSSR-290222Modify IBC Codes To Use a Code Set

All existing IBC codes have been moved to a new ‘IBC Code’ Code Set table, available under District Setup. Districts now are able to maintain this information themselves. Whenever the LDOE introduces new codes or inactivates existing ones, the Districts will be responsible for making these changes. Ensure the Reported Value is populated for each code.

PSSR-310051Modify IBC Codes To Use a Code Set – Report Updates

LA EdLink Transcripts: Version 1.8
STS - Student Transcript System: Version 1.18

The Student Transcript Report (STS) and the EdLink Transcript report (sts_ibc) now pull the IBC Code data from the reported value on the new IBC Codes code set.

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