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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-291551Attendance Edlink Extract – Ensure Attendance Value Is Always Set to 1 If Attendance Type Is LA

LA EdLink Enrollments: Version 3.2

For the Attendance Edlink extract, modifications have been made to ensure that the excused_absence and attendance_reason_code values are always reported as null and 1 for late records.


LA Edlink Calendars Update

LA Edlink Calendars: Version 2.4

Calendars and calendars_ext files now report the records having a record type 060 with a date_type value of DAY.

Calendars_ext now reports the instructional_minutes value from the event’s [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Instructional_Time field for the record types ‘060’ and ‘070’.

PSSR-288313LA EdLink Enrollments Update

LA EdLink Enrollments: Version 3.1

The EdLink Attendance extract no longer includes attendance for students that are excluded from state reporting. It also excludes attendance for the corresponding date range if one of the student’s enrollment/transfer records has been flagged as Exclude Enrollment from State Reporting.

PSSR-288799LA EdLink Extracts

The following EdLink extracts no longer include students or staff from a school that is identified as Exclude from State Reporting:

  • Calendars and calendars_ext extracts (Version 2.3)
  • staff_course_offering_link and staff_course_offering_link_ext extracts (Version 2.5)
  • contract_staff_course_offering_link and contract_staff_course_offering_link_ext extracts (Version 2.5)
  • vacant_staff_course_offering_link extract (Version 2.5)
  • mentor_teacher_link extract (Version 2.5)
  • all discipline extracts (Version 2.4)

The following EdLink extracts no longer include students identified as Exclude from State Reporting on the Students table:

  • discipline_persons
  • discipline_actions and discipline_actions_ext
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