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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


EdLink Enrollments report

The LA Enrollments_ext EdLink extract will now report PRIOR_ED_EXP_KINDER_CARE_CODE only for Kindergarten students. Students in any other grade level will have this field reported as a null value.


K-3 Assessment - Literacy Screener Exception Code UpdatesOn the K-3 Assessment tab, the "Literacy Screener Exception Code" and "K Entry Assessment Exception Code" fields now display the following active values:
01 - Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons
02 - Not first time Kindergartener
04 - Student assessed with TSGOLD
05 - Student has a documented significant disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment


EdLink Course_offering reportThe Edlink course_offerings_ext and student_schedules extracts have been modified to include the start date of the course as part of the LOCAL_COURSE_OFFERINGS_KEY.
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