State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-261917 | All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report | Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0 |
PSSR-267750 | All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates | Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page. |
PSSR-259236 | All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save | The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly. |
PSSR-269275 | All States/Provinces: Health Report Update | Health Report: Version 1.3 The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered. |
PSSR-252074 | All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates | The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:
PSSR-267527 | All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates | Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal. |
PSSR-265894 | All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update | The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page: \common\teachers\classattendance.cust.content.footer.txt |
PSSR-269123 | All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update | Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3 The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered. |
PSSR-257496 | All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update | Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1 The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received” inventory. |
PSSR-265205 | LA EdLink Enrollments - Enrollments_ext PRIOR_ED_EXP_KINDER_CARE_CODE Outputting For Incorrect Grades | LA EdLink Enrollments Report: Version 2.3 The PRIOR_ED_EXP_KINDER_CARE_CODE is only included in the enrollments_ext file for students assigned to a grade level <= 0. A null value will be reported for all other students. |
PSSR-267285 | Report Was Pulling Excluded Enrollment Records | LA EdLink Enrollments: Version 2.1 This report now excludes any enrollment records or schools that are flagged ‘Exclude from State Reporting'. |
PSSR-268920 | LA EdLink Enrollments Report Update | LA EdLink Enrollments: Version 2.4 For students having an exit code of ‘04', '05', or '06' and their ExitDate is greater than the last day of the school year, the EdLink Enrollment report submits the last day of the school year as the student’s Withdraw Date. |
PSSR-262709 | Implement Sub District Functionality for LA EdLink K-3 Assessments Extract | LA EdLink K-3 Assessments: Version 1.8 The EdLink K-3 Assessments extract has been updated to extract records for the selected sub-district. |
PSSR-267888 | LA EdLink Students – Students_ext Updated to Populate Section 504 Data Only for Current School Year | LA EdLink Students: Version 1.9 Until now, the students_ext option for this report was populating all columns related to Section 504 status if the student had a record in S_LA_STU_504SPED_X, regardless of how old that record was. The report is updated to populate those columns only if the student is qualified for Section 504 during the school year being reported upon. This means that either the “Section 504 Services Exit Date” must be blank and “Classified as 504” must be checked (indicating the status is current), or the exit date must fall after the first day of the reporting school year. This is equivalent to the logic which determines whether a 130 record is generated in the SIS - Student Information System report. The affected output fields are: IAP_REVIEW_DATE, LAST_EVALUATION_DATE, DISABILITY_01_CODE, DISABILITY_02_CODE, DISABILITY_03_CODE, DISABILITY_04_CODE, DISABILITY_05_CODE, DISABILITY_06_CODE, DISABILITY_07_CODE, SERVICES_EXIT_DATE, and SERVICES_EXIT_REASON_CODE. |
PSSR-262706 | Implement Sub District Functionality for LA EdLink Discipline Extract | Report Name: LA EdLink Discipline |
PSSR-266900 | Attendance EdLink Extract – Change to Absence Reason Code Values to Be Reported | Report Name: LA EdLink Enrollments |
PSSR-262712 | Implement Sub District Functionality for LA EdLink Transcript Extract | Report Name: LA EdLink Transcript |
PSSR-264188 | Mentoring Assignments Page Update | Staff with a Classification Level of 07 (Resident teacher) are now displayed on the Mentoring Assignments page, irrespective of whether or not they have scheduled classes. |
PSSR-265145 | CRDC 2020-21 Data Collection Changes | The data collection pages related to Civil Rights Data Collection are updated to meet the needs of the 2020-21 reporting requirements. Changes of note include:
PSSR-266901 | Staff Edlink Extract – Change to Fields Populating Local_assignment_key and Local_staff_crs_offrng_link_key Fields | The EdLink Staff Course Offering extract has been modified to include the staff ID and staff assignment start date as part of the fields populating the local_assignment_key field. The staff assignment start date is added along with the fields populating the local_staff_crs_offrng_link_key field. |
PSSR-262279 | Updates to the Distance Learning Codes for 2021-2022 | The following Distance Learning Codes are no longer valid for the 2021-2022 year: 1 = Louisiana Virtual Courses 2 = 8g Satellite Courses 5 = Dropout Recovery Program |
PSSR-262965 | K-3 & KEA Exception Code Updates for 2021-2022 | The values in the drop-down lists for the Literacy Screener Exception code and K Entry Assessment Exception code have been modified to align with the DOE requirements for the 2021-2022 school year. |