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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-256307Addition, Update, and Inactivation of IBC Code Values

The list of IBC Code values is updated to match the most recent list from LDOE. New codes are added, and some inactivated. Inactivated codes appear at the bottom of the list, and these values cannot be selected.

PSSR-255296For Work Based Learning Business Name Field Size Has Been Increased from 25 to 50

The Work Based Learning Business Name field size is increased from 25 to 50. The field appears on the following pages:

  1. Override Work Based Learning Business Name - Section Page, under Louisiana State Reporting Information Section.
  2. Work Based Learning Business Name - Course Page, under Louisiana State Reporting Information Section.
  3. Override Work Based Learning Business Name - Stored Grade Page, under Louisiana State Reporting Information Section.
PSSR-255522LA - STS - Student Transcript System Report Including Duplicated Information

LA - STS - Student Transcript System Report: Version 1.14
Duplicate records issues are resolved by removing the changes made to support the running of this report.

Changes were earlier made to support the running of this report after EOY is performed.

PSSR-255305STS Extract - Work Based Learning Business Name Expanded to 50 Characters

STS - Student Transcript System: Version 1.16

The STS extract is updated to report 50 characters for the Work Based Learning Business name.

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