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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-262964Breakout Assessment Met Flags for Individual Subject Areas

To align with DOE requirements, the Met Assessment field now records only a Yes or No value. Subject breakout fields for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies are always available to indicate whether the student has completed the individual subject requirements. If a student has completed or is exempt from the requirements for ELA, Math, and either Science or Social Studies, the Met Assessment field is automatically set to Yes. If the ELA, Math, or both Science and Social Studies requirement is set to N then the Met Assessment field is set to No.

PSSR-278163LA - K-3 Assessment EdLink Extract Update

LA EdLink K-3 Assessments: Version 2.3
The LA EdLink K-3 Assessments Report logic has been modified to pull local_school_key only based on SiteCodeOverride or SiteCode. A three-digit local_school_key is pulled when the report is run for a subdistrict.

PSSR-278284LA – Attendance Edlink Extract Was Duplicating the Attendance Record

Students that have attendance information to report to EdLink on the day they transfer between schools, now report only under their new school. This avoids a duplicate attendance record.

PSSR-277607New Extract to Report Student Data to DRC

DRC Testing Extract: Version 1.0

A new report, ‘DRC Testing Extract’ is available on the Report Works State tab under the Louisiana State Reports section. This report can be used when a district needs to submit student information directly to DRC for student assessment testing.

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