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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274560LA - Students Edlink Extract Update

In the students_ext EdLink file, a student born in a US Territory (e.g., ‘GU’,’ PR', 'VI', 'MP') have a null value reported for their FIRST_US_ENTRY_DATE even if the student has a date populated for the Date of Entry into USA field.

PSSR-276245LA – Staff Edlink Extract – Contract Staff Appear in Both Staff and Contract EdLink Files

LA - Staff Edlink Extract: Version 1.9
The Staff EdLink report now includes only staff members who have a Classification Level of 01, 02, 05, 06, or 07 in the staff_course_offering_link and staff_course_offering_link_ext. Contract staff are no longer included in the file.

PSSR-274880Calendar to Collect and Report Testing Windows – DoE Update

The following updates have been made to the Record Type and Calendar Date Type fields on the New/Edit LA Sponsor Site Calendar Event page:

A new record (70 = Testing Window) has been added to the Record Type. You can now select a Calendar Date Type value for days assigned this new record type.

Districts should ensure that they add the following values to the District’s Code Set for Calendar Date Type. Ensure that the Reported Value is entered as a three-digit value to be reported to EdLink.
A01 - LEAP 2025 High School
A02 - LEAP 2025 Grades 3-8
A03 - LEAP Connect
A04 - ELPT
A05 - LEAP Humanities

LA EdLink Calendars: Version 1.8

The LA EdLink Calendars extract has also been updated to report the testing dates information. When a calendar day is assigned a Record Type of "70 = Testing Window", the DATE_TYPE field will be reported as “TERM“ and the DATE_TYPE_VALUE will report the three-digit code identified as the Reported Value for that code in the Code Set.

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