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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download from PowerSource.

For release dates, refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases.

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
PSSR-203379LA - Industry Based Credentials (IBC) Data - UI Changes

Industry Based Credentials (IBC) Data changes:

  • IBC, Sponsor, Year IBC Earned, and Site Input Type are changed to drop-down list data and come from the database.
  • The Code field is ordered from low to high code.
  • The text included in the IBC field is the 3-digit code along with a description (export only shows 3-digit code).
  • Year IBC Earned is changed to "Beginning of School Year IBC Earned".
  • Beginning of School Year IBC Earned field includes listing of current years to prior years in YY format.
  • Sponsor Code of the LEA where IBC was Earned includes values of all Sponsor Codes.
  • Each district is able to set its sponsor code as the default code in the Sponsor Code of the LEA where IBC was Earned field.
  • Sponsor Code of the LEA where IBC was Earned can be manually changed to another code.
  • Site Code of the School where IBC was Earned field defaults to the site entering the IBC.
  • Site Code of the School where IBC was Earned can be manually changed.

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