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S_LA_STU_X (ver 14.11.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table to the Students table.

AwaitingFosterCare_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_AwaitingFosterCare

VarChar2 (3)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_CalendarCd
DropoutReasonCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_DropReason
FAFSAApplication16.7.1VarChar2 (2)Indicates if the student has completed the FAFSA application or if the requirement has been waived.

VarChar2 (1)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_FreeReduced
HomeBasedSiteCode17.4.0VarChar2 (6)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_HomeBased
Homeless_TypeOfStudent20.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Type of Student (Public school student / Underage sibling of public school student / Nonpublic school student).
HomelessCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_Homeless
HomelessReasonCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_HomelessReason
HomelessServicesProvided_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_SvcsProv
LOSFAConsentDate14.11.1DateThe date the parent or guardian signed the consent form to disclose transcript information to outside parties.
LOSFAConsentFlag14.11.1VarChar (1)Flag to indicate whether or not parental consent has been given to disclose transcript information to outside parties.
MilitaryAffiliation17.6.0Number (1,0)Flag to indicate if student has military affiliation.
MilitaryBaseAddressInd_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_Address_Military_Base

VarChar2 (3)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_SuffName



VarChar2 (1)

Flag used to override the school level non-district building flag and indicates whether or not the student attends classes in a building not owned by the district.

NoShow_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_NoShow

VarChar2 (2)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_OptionCd
ParentOfChild17.6.0Number (1,0)Flag to indicate if the student is parent or expected parent of a child.
ParishOverrideCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_dist_cd
PreGEDSkillsLevelCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_PreGed
PreKFundingSourceCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_PreKFund
PriorEducationExperienceKGCode17.4.0VarChar2 (2)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_PreKindergarten
Retained_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_Retained

Number (11)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_RetainedYr
SiteCodeOverride17.4.0VarChar2 (6)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_StudentSchoolOverride
State_ExcludeEnrollment17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]state_excludeenrollment

Number (1,0)

Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_ExcludeSTS
StateIDReassignment17.4.0VarChar2 (9)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_ReassignID
Truant_TF17.4.0Number (1)Indicates the calculated Truancy value of a student (
UnaccompaniedYouth_TF17.4.0Number (1)Migrated from: [STUDENTS]LA_Youth
EnrollPercent_Override21.4.2Number(25,10)This field will be used by the LA EdLink Enrollment extract to report a student's enrollment percentage
Act567ParentalConsentFlag22.11.2VarChar2 (1)Flag to indicate Act567 Parental Consent Flag for the student
Truancy_Ind_Override23.8.2VarChar2(2)Values entered here will override the calculated Truancy value from the Truant Report
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