S_LA_STU_K3Assessment_X (ver 22.7.3)
This table is an extension of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 18.8.0 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the Students table. |
AltAssessmentReasonCode | 19.8.2 | Varchar2 (2) | Alternate Asessment Reason Code at Beginning of Year |
ALTREG1Curiosity | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | ALT-REG 1: Curiosity |
ALTREG2SelfControl | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | ALT-REG 2: Self Control |
ALTREG3Persistence | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | ALT-REG 3: Persistence |
ALTREG4Sharing | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | ALT-REG 4: Sharing |
COG2MathOperation | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | COG-Math 2: Math Operation |
COG3NoSenseofQuantity | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | COG-Math 3: Number Sense of Quantity |
COG4Measurement | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | COG-Math 4: Measurement |
COG6Shapes | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | COG-Math 6: Shapes |
KEntryAssmntExcptnCode | 18.8.0 | VarChar2 (2) | K Entry Assessment Exception Code. |
LiteracyScreenerExceptCode | 18.8.0 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Exception Code at Beginning of Year |
LiteracyScreenerScore | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | Literacy Screener Score at Beginning of Year |
LiteracyScreenerTestType | 23.2.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Test Type at Beginning of Year |
LLD10Writing | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 10: Writing |
LLD1UnderstandingOfLang | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 1: Understanding of Language |
LLD2ResponsivenessToLang | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 2: Responsiveness to Language |
LLD3UseOfLang | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 3: Use of Language |
LLD4Conversation | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 4: Conversation |
LLD5InterestLiteracy | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 5: Interest in Literacy |
LLD6Comprehension | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 6: Comprehension |
LLD7PrintConcepts | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 7: Print Concepts |
LLD8PhonologicalAwareness | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 8: Phonological Awareness |
LLD9LetterKnowledge | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | LLD 9: Letter Knowledge |
PD1PerceptualMotor | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | PD 1: Perceptual Motor |
PD2GrossLocomotor | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | PD 2: Gross Locomotor |
PD3GrossMotorManipulative | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | PD 3: Gross Motor Manipulative |
PD4FineMotor | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | PD 4: Fine Motor |
SED1SelfIdentity | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | SED 1: Self-Identity |
SED2Feelings | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | SED 2: Feelings |
SED3InteractionWithAdults | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | SED 3: Interaction with Adults |
SED4InteractionWithPeers | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | SED 4: Interaction with Peers |
SED5SociodramaticPlay | 18.8.0 | Number (11) | SED 5: Sociodramatic Play |
VirtualSetting_TF | 20.8.2 | Boolean | Virtual Setting for Assessment indicating the student was assessed virtually at Beginning of Year |
LiteracyAssmntDetrCode | 22.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Assessment Determination Code at Beginning of Year |
LiteracyScExceptCodeMOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Exception Code for Middle of Year testing |
LiteracyAssmntDetrCodeMOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Assessment Determination Code at Middle of Year |
AltAssessmentReasonCodeMOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Alternate Asessment Reason Code at Middle of Year testing |
VirtualSetting_TFMOY | 23.1.2 | Boolean | Virtual Setting for Assessment indicating the student was assessed virtually for Middle of the Year |
LiteracyScreenerTestTypeMOY | 23.2.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Test Type at Middle of Year |
LiteracyScreenerScoreMOY | 23.1.2 | Number (11) | Literacy Screener Score at Middle of Year |
LiteracyScExceptCodeEOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Exception Code for End of Year testing |
LiteracyAssmntDetrCodeEOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Assessment Determination Code at End of Year |
AltAssessmentReasonCodeEOY | 23.1.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Alternate Asessment Reason Code at End of Year testing |
VirtualSetting_TFEOY | 23.1.2 | Boolean | Virtual Setting for Assessment indicating the student was assessed virtually for End of the Year |
LiteracyScreenerTestTypeEOY | 23.2.2 | VarChar2 (2) | Literacy Screener Test Type at End of Year |
LiteracyScreenerScoreEOY | 23.1.2 | Number (11) | Literacy Screener Score at End of Year |