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S_LA_SGR_X (ver 17.4.0)

This table is an extension of the [Storedgrades] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Storedgrades] table.

OverrideCourseTypeCode17.4.0Varchar2 (2)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_CrsTypeSG
DualEnrollPostSecCreditHours17.4.0Number (25,10)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_DECrdHrEarned
TakenOutOfStateInd_TF17.4.0Number (1,0)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_OutOfState
DualEnrollOverrideInd_TF17.4.0Number (1,0)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_OverrideDualEnroll
PostSecCourseSponsorCode17.4.0Varchar2 (3)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_PSCrsCode
PostSecCourseSiteCode17.4.0Varchar2 (6)Migrated from: [Storedgrades]LA_PSCrsSite
WORK_LRN_CAT20.10Number (10,0)Override Work-based Learning Category
WORK_LRN_NAME21.2.2Varchar2 (50)Override Work Based Learning Business Name

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