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Student Education Organization Responsibility Association


This association indicates a relationship between a student and an education organization other than an enrollment relationship.

Selection Criteria  

  • This has dependency on Student and Student School Association. 

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting. 

  • The entry date is between [terms]firstday and [terms]lastday for the school year term (ignore insession value). 

  • The exit date must be after the entry date. 

  • The enrollment must not be a pre-registration.

Resource Input



Choose Dashboard   


Choose Category     


  • Enrollment info Summary  

  • Enrollment info Published  

  • Enrollment info Dependencies  

  • Enrollment info Errors  

Choose Data view     

  • Statistical Summary

  • Student Ed Org Responsibility 

Resource Output

  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).


  • Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

  • See the Data Publishing > Published Resource > Resource Details to view the data elements that are not available in the Data View Column.

Ed-Fi Data Element

Data View Column


  [Table] Field Name 


Business Rules


Begin Date  




Not applicable.



Ed Org Id 










School Identifier format: ttdddbbbb 

Org Id is defaulted to D=14, if district needs another value to be published then district must append alphabet in their district number as per KSDE educationOrganizationID.



Ed Org Responsibility 


Hardcoded as per descriptors.
[S_KS_STU_X]Accountability_School  [S_KS_REN_X]Accountability_School 

[S_KS_STU_X]Funding_School  [S_KS_REN_X]Funding_School 


[S_KS_REN_X] Attendance_School 

For Accountability School, the Codevalue Accountability is published.


For Funding School, the Codevalue Funding is published.

For Attendance School, Codevalue Attendance is published.




State Identifier   



 Not applicable.


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