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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Ed-Fi Downloads: State Codes (Descriptors), State Course Catalog, and Organization Catalog

State Codes (Descriptors): Report version 1.1

  • Updated the dashboard description to “Download state-defined code sets and values used for publishing data.”

  • Updated the data viewer description: A complete detailed list of code set (Descriptors) values defined by the state is downloaded. This information is downloaded and stored in the PowerSchool publishing tables and used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the state ODS (Operational Data Store). In some cases, local district and/or school codes must be mapped to these descriptor values for data to be successfully published. The Ed-Fi Codes Set Mappings page can be accessed by district personnel on the System Administrator page. If this page does not contain data, then select [Run Now] on the Ed-Fi State Reporting page to download code set (Descriptors) values from the state ODS.

  • Updated the data viewer columns.

State Course Catalog: Report version 1.1

  • Updated the dashboard description to “Download the official list of state courses.”

  • Updated the data viewer description: A listing of the state course codes defined by the state. This information is downloaded and stored in the PowerSchool publishing tables and used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the state.

  • Updated the data viewer columns.

Organization Catalog: Report version 1.1

  • Updated the dashboard description to “Download an updated catalog of districts and schools in the state.”

  • Updated the data viewer description: A complete state-wide catalog of all districts and schools in Kansas. This information is downloaded and stored in the PowerSchool publishing tables and used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the state ODS (Operational Data Store). Use the filters to only view your district and schools information.

  • Updated the data viewer columns.


Ed-Fi Organization info: Sessions (Terms) and Grading Periods

Organization Info: Version 1.0

Created “Organization info” category to publish Sessions (Terms) and Grading Periods resource data, using the Ed-Fi 4.x base profile.

  • Sessions (Terms): The Session resource in Ed-Fi is used for defining a school’s terms, and its date ranges as well as total instructional days for each term reported.

  • Grading Periods: The Grading Period resource in Ed-Fi is used for defining a school’s grading periods, sequence information, as well as date ranges and total instructional days for each grading period reported.

Additional References: PSSR-336107, PSSR-339159, PSSR-339434, PSSR-341465, PSSR-341860

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