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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - HTML Output Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-320593

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile report has been updated and will the result file will be in HTML (rather than PDF). This change allows for a dynamic presentation of the data which will make the report results more user friendly.


All States/Provinces: CRDC 2021-2022: Disaggregate Data Groups By Non-Binary Sex Value on School Template/Report

CRDC Report (2021-2022) Version: 1.0

The 2021-2022 CRDC school report will now have a third value of Non-Binary, identified with a gender value of 'X' for the many data categories that were disaggregated by Male and Female counts. These data categories will now have a third row for Non-Binary (value of 'X' ) which will appear below the 'Female’ row if the LEA has indicated on the CRDC LEA page that they report Non-Binary genders.

If the LEA has indicated that they do not report Non-Binary genders, then the data categories will be disaggregated by sex into Male and Female counts only.


All States/Provinces: CRDC 2021-2022: Disaggregate Data Groups By Non-Binary Sex Value on School Template/Report

CRDC Report (2021-2022) Version: 1.0

The 2021-2022 CRDC school report will now have a third value of Non-Binary, identified with a gender value of 'X' for the many data categories that were disaggregated by Male and Female counts. These data categories will now have a third row for Non-Binary (value of 'X' ) which will appear below the 'Female’ row if the LEA has indicated on the CRDC LEA page that they report Non-Binary genders.

If the LEA has indicated that they do not report Non-Binary genders, then the data categories will be disaggregated by sex into Male and Female counts only.


All States/Provinces: CRDC 2021-2022: Disaggregate Data Groups By Non-Binary Sex Value on School Template/Report

CRDC Report (2021-2022) Version: 1.0

The 2021-2022 CRDC school report will now have a third value of Non-Binary, identified with a gender value of 'X' for the many data categories that were disaggregated by Male and Female counts. These data categories will now have a third row for Non-Binary (value of 'X' ) which will appear below the 'Female’ row if the LEA has indicated on the CRDC LEA page that they report Non-Binary genders.

If the LEA has indicated that they do not report Non-Binary genders, then the data categories will be disaggregated by sex into Male and Female counts only.


All States/Provinces: CRDC ENRL-2a and ENRL-2b Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-319634

CRDC Report: Version 1.1

The logic behind the ENRL-2a and ENRL-2b elements are updated and will now only include students in grades K-12. Additionally, the note (in the PDF) for these elements has been updated and now reflects the minimum grade level (to be counted in these elements) is now Kindergarten.


All States/Provinces: CRDC School PDF Report Update

Courses taught by certified teachers from the school PDF report and Staff CRDC page are removed.


All States/Provinces: CRDC Updates for DISC-1a Preschool Suspensions

Additional Reference: PSSR-320994

CRDC Report: Version 1.1

The CRDC report has been updated and will now report Preschool Out-of-School Suspension in two categories:

  • One suspension

  • More than One suspension.

Note: This change applies to both the School PDF and School csv files.


All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update for Student Date fields

The Immunization Rules Engine and rules can now be written that compare dose dates to a student’s entry date (into school).

Note: Immunization compliance rules must be updated to take advantage of this new functionality.


All States/Provinces: Removal of 2020-21 tags from any questions in the 2021-2022 LEA pdf and School pdf reports

CRDC Report: Version 1.1

The tags “New! Optional for 2020-21” and “Optional for 2020-21, Required for 2021-22” have been removed from questions in the 2021-2022 LEA pdf and School pdf reports.


KIDS Collection EXIT Report Updates

KIDS Collection EXIT report: Version 6.0

The KIDS Collection EXIT report is updated to extract the record of active students re-enrolled in the same school for the same school year.

Note: Use the new Report Type dropdown value 'Reenrolled Students' in the report run page to pull these records


Removal of link besides the field Grade Level Override

The “Click here for the user guide” text and link in the state/province-KS page for the field Grade Level Override is removed.


UI - Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field

KIDS Collection ENRL: Version 3.6
Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for KIDS Collection ENRL report.

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