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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning preferences - UI Update

The NY Digital Equity & Learning preferences page has been updated to support the common PowerSchool localization.


All States/Provinces: Discipline Incident Letter - Smart Pronoun Tag Update

Discipline Incident Letter Report Version 1.1

The Discipline Incident Letter report functionality has been updated and now honors all smart pronoun tags.


All States/Provinces: Discipline Incident Letter Does Not Complete When there are Large Number of Incidents

Discipline Incident Letters Version: 1.1

The Discipline Incident Letter report runs successfully.


All States/Provinces: Grade Level Immunization Compliance Mapping

For districts using LTK (Language Tool Kit) functionality to rename grade levels, a new UI screen is now available which will allow these renamed grade levels to be mapped to a native grade level value for immunization compliance calculations.

By mapping a renamed grade level to a native grade level, the immunization rules engine will consider that student as being the mapped grade level value when immunization compliance is determined.


All States/Provinces: System/Compliance Reports

SRP reports (reports with the icon to the left of the name), on the System Reports page, have been updated and can now be “favorited” in the Enhanced UI.

The minimum Core version for this to work is PS_23.11.0.0


CRDC - LEA csv - Mandatory Changes - Update spreadsheet with Reinstated/New items from 2017-2018 report for the 2021-2022 LEA csv

CRDC Report Version: 0.4

New fields have been added to the LEA csv file to report data for the HIBD questions.


CRDC 2021-2022: Optional - Add disaggregation by Section 504 to DISC 1b Preschool Expulsions

The CRDC 2021-2022 report requires disaggregation by Section 504 to DISC-1b Preschool Expulsions.

  • Added disaggregation by Section-504 to DISC-1b in the school pdf report.

  • Added SCH_PSDISC_EXP_504_M and SCH_PSDISC_EXP_504_F columns in the school csv report.


Reinstate items from 2017-2018 LEA form for the 2021-2022 LEA Form

The following updates are made on the LEA form :

  • The CRDC Coordinator’s phone number field from the CRCO-2 question is removed and the question is identified as REVISED .

  • The descriptions for HIBD-1 and HIBD-3 are modified.

  • The following new questions and answers are included :

    • HIBD-2. Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Indicator *NEW! REQUIRED FOR 2021-22

    • HIBD-3. Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link *REVISED!

    • HIBD-4. Harassment or Bullying Policy Indicator - Other Categories *NEW! OPTIONAL FOR 2021-22

    • HIBD-5. Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Indicator - Other Categories *NEW! OPTIONAL FOR 2021-22

    • HIBD-6. Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link - Other Categories NEW! OPTIONAL FOR 2021-22


Reinstate items from 2017-2018 report to the LEA CRDC Page

The following updates are made to the LEA CRDC page:

  • The existing “HIBD-2. Enter the web link to the LEA’s written policy” is renamed to “HIBD-3. Enter the web link to the LEA’s written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability?”

  • The CRDC Coordinator’s phone number field from CRCO-1, CRCO-2 question for the three people identified as Civil Rights Coordinators is no longer reported.

  • New prompts are added in the HIBD section


Add New Fields for Virtual Instruction to School CSV Report

The following new columns have been added to School csv report.








Add New Fields for Virtual Instruction to School CRDC Page

New data collection fields for virtual instruction have been added to School CRDC page.

  • DIND-3 COVID-related Item – Remote Instruction Amount

  • DIND-4 COVID-related Item –Remote Instruction Percentage

  • SCHR-1 Fully Virtual School Indicator

  • SCHR-2 Justice Facility Indicator

As well, PSCH-1 Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children has been reinstated.


Add New Fields for Virtual Instruction to School PDF Report

New questions for virtual instruction have been added to the School CRDC report for the 2021-2022 CRDC collection.

  • DIND-3 COVID-related Item – Remote Instruction Amount

  • DIND-4 COVID-related Item –Remote Instruction Percentage

  • SCHR-1 Fully Virtual School Indicator

  • SCHR-2 Justice Facility Indicator

In addition, PSCH-1 Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children has been reinstated.


KEDS 2023-2024: New Profile Setup

A new KEDS 2023-2024 profile has been added to the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) for Kansas customers with the following presets:

  • It is available for the 2023-2024 school year with all Service Options checked on the DEX General Setup page.

  • It uses OAuth 2.0 for digital authentication of the district’s student information system (SIS) with the state’s operational data store (ODS). The Authentication Key and Secret are required from the KSDE along with the Data Exchange and the Authentication URLs.

This functionality is currently limited to testing the connection between the district’s SIS and the state’s ODS. It allows districts to configure the system using the DEX General Setup page. This also includes a Descriptors resource to download the descriptor records from the state's ODS and is available on the edfi dashboard. Additional updates will be available in future state reporting releases.


KS KCAN Report Update

KS KCAN Report: Version 3.2

The KCAN report is updated to process all College/Career options for a regular (non-migrant) student.


Courses Page: College/Career Field Update

Updated the values for the field College/Career Field.
The valid values are:

  • Blank

  • N (Not dual credit, not in a pathway)

  • X (CTE course not funded but in an approved program/pathway)

  • T (CTE course not part of an approved program or pathway)

  • L (CTE course not funded by .5 funding and is in an approved program/pathway and college credit)

  • D (Dual credit (high school/college)

  • F (CTE credit funding eligible if in an approved program/ pathway)

  • C (CTE credit funding eligible if in an approved program/ pathway AND dual credit)

  • R (Dual credit not part of an approved program or pathway)

Navigation: Start page, District Setup, Courses, Select a course, Compliance Tab.

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