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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-293646All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report - Report Parameter Update

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.1

The Attendance Change History report page has been updated and now the report parameter drop-down boxes will populate as expected after moving the view to a repo schema call.

PSSR-297153All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference - Localization Update

Additional References: PSSR-297785

The Digital Equity & Learning Preferences screens in the portals listed below can now be localized:

  • Admin Portal
  • Parent Portal
PSSR-289865All States/Provinces: Enrollment Entry Exit Code List Changes

To support the Entry/Exit Code changes in PowerSchool 22.5.0 and maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of PowerSchool, updates have been made and now the end users will see the following:

  • PowerSchool version 22.5.0 (or greater) - The Entry/Exit Codes will show as inactive after the defined effective end date.
  • PowerSchool versions prior to 22.5.0 - Entry/Exit Codes will behave as they always have (cannot be inactivated).
PSSR-280589All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Update

Student incident Profile: Version 1.2

The Student Incident Profile report has been updated and will now print the incident description up to 4000 characters.

PSSR-248758All States/Provinces: System Log Error - "Field not added due to unsupported attribute" Update

The validation has been updated and this error will no longer propagate in the system log.

PSSR-282994All States/Provinces: Updated Contact Tracing System Report

Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.5

The Contact Tracing report has been updated to resolve the following error:

ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row.

PSSR-29247322-23 DOE requirements Report update

KIDS Collection EXIT Report: 5.8
KIDS Collection TEST Report: 3.2
KIDS Collection TASC Report : 2.7
KIDS Collection KCAN Report: 2.7
KIDS Collection ENRL Report : 3.5
KIDS Collection MILT Report : 2.2
KIDS Collection ASGT Report : 1.8
KIDS Collection QERY Report: 1.7
KIDS Collection SMSC Report : 1.9
KIDS Collection SPED Report: 1.9
KIDS Collection EOYA Report: 2.3

As part of the 22-23 DOE changes, the report output template and logic have been modified for the above-mentioned reports. Data elements that have been updated are:

  • D87 as an Individual plan of study
  • D88, D89, and D90 as User Field 1, User Field 2 and User Field 3 respectively
PSSR-29477322-23 UI updates on the Course page

Three new tabs namely State, CRDC and Legacy have been added on the Edit Course Information page Start Page > District Setup > Courses. All the fields under Kansas Course Code Information on the District-General tabs have been moved to the newly created tab “State” and all the CRDC-related fields have been moved to the “CRDC” tab. The fields that are no longer used on the course page are moved to the “Legacy” tab. The numbering of the field labels is removed.

PSSR-289469Convert GetCF to direct extended field on KS Exit Report

KIDS Collection EXIT Report: Version 5.8
Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for the KIDS Collection EXIT Report.

PSSR-243742Convert GetCF to direct extended field on KS TEST,TASC,KCAN Report

KIDS Collection TEST Report: Version 3.2
KIDS Collection TASC Report: Version 2.7
KIDS Collection KCAN Report: Version 2.7
Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for the KIDS Collection TEST Report, KIDS Collection TASC report and KIDS Collection KCAN report.

PSSR-297489Deprecated Legacy Ethnicity and Race Repo Schema Update

A legacy Repo Schema Update for moving Ethnicity and Race data from old custom fields to core Federal Ethnicity and Race fields has been deprecated.

PSSR-293346Report Description update for KIDS collection

KIDS Collection EXIT Report: Version 5.8
KIDS Collection TEST Report: Version 3.2
KIDS Collection TASC Report: Version 2.7
KIDS Collection KCAN Report: Version 2.7
KIDS Collection ENRL Report: Version 3.5
KIDS Collection MILT Report Version 2.2

The report description for all the above-mentioned reports has been updated.

PSSR-292472UI changes to accommodate 22-23 requirements for KIDS collection

Following changes were done on State/Province-KS → Demographics tab:

  1. D33 field dropdown options were renamed as below:
    Eligible for Reduced Price Lunch - National School Lunch Program Application or Direct Certificate with Medicaid (1)
    Eligible for Free Lunch - National School Lunch Program Application or Direct Certification Process with Medicaid (2)
  2. D40 : First Language - 8 New Languages to the First Language Table in the below order
    1. Afro-Asiatic languages (afa)
    2. Berber languages (ber)
    3. Creoles and Pidgins, English based (cpe)
    4. Indo-European languages (ine)
    5. Austronesian languages (map)
    6. Munda languages (mun)
    7. Niger-Kordofanian languages (nic)
    8. Sino-Tibetan languages (sit)
  3. D59: Dyslexia Screener
    a. Updated 02 = DIBELS to 02 = Acadience (DIBELS)
    b. Add 06 = iReady

Following changes were done on State/Province-KS → Assessments tab:

  1. Below dropdown values added for the fields D77, D78 and D79
    a. Student refused to test (05)
    b. Student exempt from testing – must be approved by KSDE (06)
  2. Validation for D76,D77, D78 and D79 updated to “KIDS Current Grade Level must be 09, 12, 15, 16 or 17”
  3. Individual Plan of Study (IPS) will now be D87
  4. D88,D89,D90 will be User Field 1 , User Field 2 and User Field 3 respectively.
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