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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-276002CourseWalk Extract Report Parameter update

CourseWalk Extract Report: Version 2.0

CourseWalk Extract Report has been updated with the latest requirements as per DOE specifications as stated below:

  • User parameter options have been renamed as follows:
    • TAB (excludes column headers)
    • CSV (includes column headers)
  • The file format of the Kansas Course Codes Export Report has been updated to generate a Tab-delimited output file when the TAB (excludes column headers) option is chosen
PSSR-278663KIDS Collection EXIT Report - Updates

KIDS Collection EXIT Version: 5.7

KIDS Collection EXIT report has been updated to pull Membership/Attendance data from previous enrollments also if the selected school matched the previous enrollment school.

PSSR-250170Updates to Transfer Out of School Page

The following Kansas-specific fields on the Transfer Out of School Page are renamed for clarity since they are used as overrides:

  • D27. Exit/Widthrawal Date Override
  • D28. Exit/Widthrawal Type Override
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