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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259043All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update

The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly.

PSSR-279133CRDC Report (2020-2021) Update: Discipline

CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.2.1
The CRDC School report is updated as follows for Discipline fields as per the 2020-21 guidelines:

  • DISC-1a is updated to collect One or More Out-of-School Suspension(s).
  • DISC-1c from the 2017-18 CRDC report is now renamed as DISC-1b.
  • Zero tolerance policy fields DISC-7g, DISC-9g are updated based on Participant Attribute Codes of “Zero Tolerance (40)“, with sub cat as Yes (41).
  • Logic to extract data for ARRS-1a and ARRS-2a fields is added to the report. The data is extracted from Incident Management based on action codes- 710, 730, 750, 770.
  • ARRS-1b and ARRS-2b
    • Manual data entry this year
  • *OFFN-4 (*New element! Optional for 2020-21)
    • Manual data entry this year
  • *OFFN-5 to OFFN-10 (*New elements! Optional for 2020-21)
    • Extracted using common data entry from School's CRDC page.
PSSR-275265Validation update on Data Entry Fields

The validations on the below fields have been removed and updated to display warning messages:

  • D59. Dyslexia Screener
  • D60. Dyslexia Subtest
  • D61. Dyslexia Spring Benchmark Performance
  • D18. School Entry Date
  • D19. District Entry Date
  • D20. State Entry Date
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