PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting Page
The PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page presents data grouped first by transaction type (Download Data, Publish Data), and then by category. Within each category, one or more data views allow the user to inspect the key contents of the Ed-Fi data that has been downloaded or published to the state, and to manage and monitor the Ed-Fi publishing process.
What are Ed-Fi Categories?
Ed-Fi consists of a series of standard schemas, which define the structure of the XML that transports the data between systems. The Ed-Fi categories are transparent to the user and serve as "wrappers" for publishing resources to the state Ed-Fi Operation Data Store (ODS). As each state's Ed-Fi implementation is unique, only the categories currently used by Kansas are listed below.
What are Ed-Fi Resources?
Ed-Fi resources are persons, places, events, objects, or concepts about which data can be collected. An resource provides context for a data element, for example, K12 Student, K12 Staff, School, Program, etc. To supplement the standard Ed-Fi resources, the Kansas Department of Education has defined custom extensions to capture additional state-specific data. Only the resources used by Kansas are listed below.
The following table maps the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page data categories and views to their associated Ed-Fi resources. The remainder of the Ed-Fi Reference documentation follows a similar model with content presented in the order listed below.
Ed-Fi Category | Description | Data View | Ed-Fi Resource |
Download Data | |||
State Codes (Descriptor) | This category captures the descriptors defined by the state and used in subsequent publishing to the state.. | Downloaded Code Set Summary | descriptor |
Downloaded Code Set Values | |||
Organization Catalog | The Organization Catalog carries education organizations, their structure, and their education offerings. It is used to exchange education organization information about a state's schools, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), Education Service Centers (ESCs), and others. | Districts and Schools
| localEducationAgency (LEA) |
school | |||
State Course Catalog | The State course catalog list the courses in the Course resource. This enables schools to be able to submit CourseOffering records which are intended to hold the relationship between a local course and its state course equivalent where such exists. | State Course Listing | course |
Publish Data | |||
Organization Info | This view captures the sessions/terms defined at each school within the district as published in the Session resource within the Organization Info category | Sessions (Terms) | session |
This view captures the grading periods defined at each school within the district as published in the gradingPeriod resource within the Organization Info category. The layout provides the School Name, Name of Term, First Day of Term, Last Day of Term, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID. | Grading Periods | gradingPeriod | |
This view captures academic weeks and includes key data elements such as the school number, week identifier, week begin and end dates, and total instructional days. | Academic Week | academicWeek | |
Organization Calendar | This view instructional days for the school year, submitted at the school level and below, with each day marked as a scheduled or unscheduled event. Key Ed-Fi fields include CalendarCode, SchoolID, SchoolYear, CalendarTypeDescriptor, and GradeLevelDescriptor for the calendar, and CalendarEventDescriptor, Date, CalendarCode, SchoolID, and SchoolYear for calendar dates | Calendar | calendar |
This view instructional days for the school year, submitted at the school level and below, with each day marked as a scheduled or unscheduled event, date of the event. | Calendar Date | calendarDate | |
Schedules | This view captures information about Course Offerings and Sections. | Course Offerings | courseOfferings |
This view captures information about Course Offerings and Sections. | Sections | sections | |
Student Identification | This view captures the student identification categories. | Student Identification | studentIdentification |
Grade | This view captures an overall score or assessment linked to a course over a specific period (i.e., the grading period). Student grades typically consist of a combination of marks and other scores. | Grade | grade |
Student Demographics | This view captures student information in relation to their connection with the education organization. The specifics of enrollment relationships are addressed by the StudentSchoolAssociation | Student Demographics | studentDemographics |
Student Sections | This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned. | Student Sections | studentSections |
Enrollment | This category represents information about Student Sessions and the Student Education Organization Responsibility Association. The Enrollment category includes the following data views and resources. | Student School Association | studentSchoolAssociation |
This association indicates a relationship between a student and an education organization other than an enrollment relationship. | Student Ed Org Responsibility | StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation | |
Staff Ed Org Assignment | The staff assignment association records represent the staff’s relationship to the institution (School in this instance) based on their assigned designations | Staff Ed Org Assignment | StaffEdOrgAssignment |
Staff Sections | The StaffSectionAssociation indicates the class sections to which a staff member is assigned. | Staff Sections | staffSections |
Section Educator | The StaffSectionAssociation and SectionEducator resources are used to capture the relationship between educators and course section enrollment details for the TASC collection | Section Educator | SectionEducator |
Programs | Student Programs refer to various educational programs and services that students participate in. The StudentKPPProgramAssociation table stores data regarding the affiliation between students and the Kansas PreK Pilot program, detailing their participation and involvement. | Kansas Pre-K Pilot Program | StudentKPPProgramAssociation |
The StudentKPATProgramAssociation table stores data regarding the affiliation between students and the Kansas Parent as Teacher (KPAT) program, detailing their participation and involvement. | Kansas Parent as Teacher Program | StudentKPATProgramAssociation | |
This association represents the Title I Part A program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services. The association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation specific to Title I Part A programs | Title I Part A | TitleIPartA | |
The Student Language Instruction Program Association represents the Title III, language instruction program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from. The association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation particularly for language instruction programs. | English as a Second Language (ESL) | English as a Second Language (ESL) | |
The Student School Food Service Program Association represents the school food services program(s), such as the Free or Reduced Lunch program, that a student participates in or from which the student receives services. | Student School Food Service | Student School Food Service | |
The Student Homeless Program Association represents the homeless program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from. The association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation particularly for Homeless programs. | Homeless | Homeless |