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Grading Periods

This view captures the grading periods defined at each school within the district as published in the gradingPeriod resource within the Organization Info category. The layout provides the School Name, Name of Term, First Day of Term, Last Day of Term, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.


This resource represents the time span for which grades are reported.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Terms]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • A session record is created for each TERM defined for a school.

  • A Grading Period record is created for each TERM defined for a school 

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The term or term portion exists within the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.

Resource Output

  • A separate gradingPeriod record is published for each unique term record at each school based on [Terms]Portion and [Terms]Abbreviation.

  • The gradingPeriod resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the Session (Terms) resource.

  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Ed-Fi Data Element

Data View Column


[Table] Field Name

Business Rules 


Period Sequence  




Single digit number derived from TERMS.portion and TERMS.abbreviation 


Grading period Sequence: 
When terms abbrevation is S3 then period Sequence is 1
when terms portion = 1 then period Sequence is 1 
when terms abbrevation is Q1 then period Sequence is 1
when terms abbrevation is Q2 then period Sequence is 2
when terms abbrevation is Q3 then period Sequence is 3
when terms abbrevation is Q4 then period Sequence is 4
when terms abbrevation is S1 then period Sequence is 1
when terms abbrevation is S2 then period Sequence is 2
when terms abbrevation is 23-24 then period Sequence is 1 (it will override the terms.portion value) 




School Number 



 School Number Format: ttbbbdddd 

Org ID is defaulted to D=14, if the district needs another value to be published then the district must prepend the above alphabet in their district number. 




Calculated using [TERMS]YearID 

If 2023-2024, then extract 2024 


First Day 



 Not applicable.


Last Day 



 Not applicable.


Grading Period 


Code Set (Descriptors) 



The span of time for which grades are reported.

Derived from:

  • [Terms]Portion

  • [Terms]Abbreviation 

These are displayed under code set mapping of profile KEDS 2023-2024.



Total Instruction Days 




Sum of in session days between TERMS.firstday and TERMS.lastday 


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