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Download Data


The Download Data section on the Ed-Fi Reporting page allows the user to view the status of the downloaded resources; data views provide the ability to drill down to the details within each data set and to access the values.

All information in this category is downloaded and stored in PowerSchool publishing tables and is used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading and publishing to the state Ed-Fi ODS. As needed, downloaded data can be refreshed using the Run Now button.

How to Download State-Provided Data?

This is a function of the LEA, data can be downloaded only at District level. Schools have the ability to review the data but do not have a Run Now button to process the download.

The Steps to download State-Provided Data:

  1. On the start page, choose a profile under Data Exchange in the main menu. 

  2. The details for the Download Data section may have several options to choose from depending on your installation. Examples include:

  3. Click Run Now to the right of each data category in the list, one at a time. The system automatically downloads the data to PowerSchool. The following columns display the status of the download:

    • Downloading - a Yes/No status lets the user know if downloading is occurring.

    • Errors - the count of error messages received in response from the state system.

    • Data Exceptions - this is scheduled as a future enhancement for the download functionality. The purpose of data quality checks for downloads would be to point out discrepancies between what is stored in PowerSchool versus what the state has delivered in the download.

    • Downloaded - the count of records downloaded.

    • Last Activity - time that has elapsed since the last attempt to download data with the state Ed-Fi system.Click Run Now to the right of each data category in the list, one at a time. The system automatically downloads the data to PowerSchool. The following columns display the status of the download:

  4. Click the  Review button in line with each of the data categories in the list. The Review page appears from which you can select a data view.

  5. Select Data View for each data category from the Select Area to Review dropdown menu.

  6. Select the appropriate view from the Choose data view dropdown menu. Using the examples listed above, the data views you may encounter include:

    • State codes – a summary of the code sets defined by the state and downloaded into PowerSchool.

    • District and Schools – a list of districts and their schools as provided by the state.

    • State Course listing – an official list of state courses provided by the state.

    • State Program listing – a listing of programs defined for the district at the state level.

    • Errors - Error messages associated with the download. These messages are received in response from the state system. In some cases, these errors may be difficult to interpret and may only be useful for PowerSchool support and Development teams. Note: If there are errors, a red Errors button appears in line with each of the data groups. Click the red Errors button. The Review page appears. Select the Errors view from the Choose data view dropdown menu.

  7. Each column has a filter icon to click on to specify the filters you want applied. Sort the data by clicking on the heading for each column. Note: Data views are read-only.

  8. Click Export to export the data results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Next Step

Once the state provided data is downloaded, you are ready to map the data using the Ed-Fi Code Set Mapping screen.

State Codes (Descriptors)

This category captures the descriptors defined by the state and used in subsequent publishing to the state.

The Ed-Fi Descriptor category is used to describe metadata about the descriptors and their structure. It is used to define enumeration vocabularies that are not fixed within the Ed-Fi schema, and whose values vary according to each state's Ed-Fi implementation.

  • Descriptors provide states, districts, vendors, and other users of the Ed-Fi solution with the flexibility to use their own enumerations and code sets without modifying the Ed-Fi core schema.

  • Descriptor values are defined at the state level and downloaded from the state Ed-Fi Data Hub.

  • This information is downloaded and stored in PowerSchool publishing tables, and is used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the Ed-Fi ODS.

  • As Ed-Fi data is subsequently published to the state Ed-Fi Data Hub, any data element whose name ends in "Descriptor" or "Type" will be output using one of the valid code values specified by the state.

Downloaded Code Set Summary

This view provides a summary of the Descriptors as defined by the Kansas Department of Education, and downloaded into PowerSchool. The view includes the Code Set Name and Description, along with a count of the corresponding Code Values Defined for each descriptor, and the date of the Last Update. The download includes the Descriptors used in the current Kansas Ed-Fi implementation, as well as the broader list of items defined within the Ed-Fi specification that may be used in future phases.

Downloaded Code Set Values

This view provides a complete list of Descriptor values by code set (state codes) as defined by the Kansas Department of Education, and downloaded into PowerSchool. Descriptors are used to categorize data for publishing to the Ed-Fi dashboards. The view provides the Code Set Name, Code Value, Description, Effective Begin Date, and Effective End Date (if applicable). For details about the specific code values, which are not included here, visit the Descriptors (state code) category on the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page.

Local district and/or school codes must be mapped to these state descriptor values for data to be successfully published. In most cases, this mapping is handled internally within the PowerSchool Ed-Fi business logic. In some cases, local codes must be mapped by the district on the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Codes Set Mappings page. District personnel can access the Ed-Fi Codes Set Mappings page on the System Administrator page. If this page does not contain data, select [Run Now] on the Ed-Fi State Reporting page to download descriptor code values from the state Ed-Fi Data Hub.

Organization Catalog

This category captures information about Kansas districts and schools as published by the Kansas Department of Education. The Organization Catalog category includes the following data views and resources:

Districts and Schools

This view captures a list of all Kansas districts and their associated schools. Information from the LocalEducationAgency (LEA) and School Ed-Fi resources within the Organization Catalog category is combined in a single layout on the Ed-Fi Reporting page. The layout includes the School Agency ID, School Name, District Name, and District Agency ID.

State Course Catalog

This category represents the official course catalog for the state of Kansas including state Course Codes, Course Titles, and other related information as downloaded from the state. The State Courses category includes the following data views and resources:

State Course Listing

This view captures the valid list of Kansas courses. In order to support the exchange of both current year information as well as student transcripts, courses from current and past years are included. The layout includes the State Course Code, Academic State Course Title, and Description, along with the HS Course Requirement indicator and the number of Course Parts.

All course data that is subsequently published to the state from PowerSchool must bear a valid state course code. If a courseCode does not match a courseCode in the downloaded course resource, it will typically result in an error and/or be prevented from publishing.

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