This is a child table of the [Students] table to save alternative education program data associated for a student.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 22.2.2 | Number(10,0) | Primary key. |
StudentsDCID | 22.2.2 | Number(10,0) | Foreign key to Students table. |
StartDate | 22.2.2 | Date | Start Date of the Alternative Education Program Enrollment |
EndDate | 22.2.2 | Date | End Date of the Alternative Education Program Enrollment |
ExitReason | 22.2.2 | VarChar2(40) | Exit Reason (required if end/exit date is populated) |
EligibilityReason | 22.2.2 | VarChar2(10) | Eligibility Reason (Required) |
ProgramTime | 22.2.2 | VarChar2(30) | Program Meeting Time (Required) |
Notes | 22.2.2 | VarChar2(4000) | Notes |
ProgramName | 22.4.1 | VarChar2(500) | Program Name |