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S_IN_REN_X (ver 16.8.1)

This table is an extension of the [Reenrollments] table, which maintains student historical enrollment information.

Column Name


Data Type


ReEnrollmentsDCID16.8.1Number(10,0)Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Reenrollments] table.


16.8.1VarChar(4)Identifies the accountable school for the enrollment.
ChoiceScholarStu_YN17.4.0VarChar2(1)Migrated from [ReEnrollments]ChoiceScholarStu.
Dropout_Mobility_Code17.4.0VarChar2(2)Migrated from [ReEnrollments]IN_dropout_mobility_code.
Dropout_Mobility_Date17.4.0DateMigrated from [ReEnrollments]IN_dropout_mobility_date.
Access_School20.5.2.0VarChar(4)Identifies the access school for the previous enrollment.
Primary_School_of_Enrollment21.2.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the primary school of enrollment for the student.
ADM_Type21.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Membership information for the student.


'Exclude from ME' flag to track enrollments for the student.

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