S_IN_REN_CRDC_X (ver 17.1.1)
This table is an extension of the [Reenrollments] table, which maintains student historical enrollment information. This table provides CRDC-specific fields for Indiana.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
REENROLLMENTSDCID | 17.1.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Reenrollments] table. |
GiftTalent_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is Gifted/Talented for CRDC. |
LEPProg_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is enrolled in an LEP Program for CRDC. |
LEPQual_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is LEP Qualified for CRDC. |
CRDC_IDEA_YN | 17.1.1 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is IDEA for CRDC. |
CRDC_SAT_YN | 17.1.1 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is SAT for CRDC. |
CRDC_ACT_YN | 17.1.1 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is ACT for CRDC. |
CRDC_APExam | 17.1.1 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is APExam for CRDC. |
CRDC_IBDiplomaProgram_YN | 17.1.1 | VarChar2(1) | Flag to indicate student is IBDiplomaProgram for CRDC. |