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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-263697IL CRDC 20-21 Data Collection Updates

The data collection pages related to Civil Rights Data Collection are updated to meet the needs of the 2020-21 reporting requirements. The changes include:

  • Deprecated fields are preserved, but moved to the bottom of each page.
  • The Schools/School Info CRDC screen is updated to include questions about:
    • COVID-related Directional Indicators
    • School & School Support Staff
    • Number of Incidents Committed by School Staff
    • Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement)
    • Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible)
    • Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible)
    • Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending)
    • Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment)
    • School & School Support Staff
    • School Security Staff
PSSR-273808IL Immunization Worksheet Report

The new Immunization worksheet report is now available to extract vaccination compliance counts by grade and vaccine type.

PSSR-275135Language Code Updates

The following language codes are now available:

  • Xhosa (213)
  • Mokilese (214)
PSSR-273340IL Health History and Lab Test tab Updates

Health History and Lab Test tabs under health are loading data.

PSSR-265098IL CRDC 20-21 Data Collection Updates - Incident Management
  1. The following Attribute code is renamed:

    1. "(CRDC) With a firearm or explosive device^" is renamed to "[OBSOLETE](CRDC) With a firearm or explosive device^"

  2. The following Behavior codes are renamed:

    1. “(ISBE/CRDC) Dangerous weapon Firearm – Handgun” is renamed to “(ISBE) Dangerous weapon Firearm – Handgun”

    2. “(ISBE/CRDC) Dangerous weapon Firearm–Shotgun” is renamed to “(ISBE) Dangerous weapon Firearm–Shotgun”

    3. “(ISBE/CRDC) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Rifle” is renamed to “(ISBE) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Rifle”

    4. “(ISBE/CRDC) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Multiple” is renamed to “(ISBE) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Multiple”

    5. “(ISBE/CRDC) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Other” is renamed to “(ISBE) Dangerous weapon Firearm-Other”

  3. A new behavior subcode for "Basis of Perceived Religion" is added under the following Behavior codes

    1. Harassment

    2. Physical Bullying

    3. Cyber Bullying
      There is a list of Religions to select from for the Behavior subcode “06 - Basic of Perceived Religion^”.
      Note - This item is about allegations of harassment or bullying and not about the religious affiliation of the alleged victim. Do not ask the alleged victim about his or her actual religion, but only collect and enter allegations data based on the likely motives of the alleged harasser. This item is not intended to have a school record an alleged victim’s religious affiliation and the school should not ask the alleged victim about his or her religious affiliation.

Steps to get the latest Incident Management codes and subcodes,

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Info > State Information

  2. Click Load Codes and Subcodes for IL Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status.
    Note: The new Incident Management codes will be added to the database after either a) the hourly process runs, or b) PowerSchool is restarted.

Refer to the online guide for seeded values.

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