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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


New Early Childhood Programs ReportEarly Childhood Programs Report Version: 1.0
Created New Early Childhood Programs Report
PSSR-246756IL - Early Child > Family Structure Field options 05 and 06 are incorrect

IL - Early Child > Family Structure Field dropdown values are updated to reflect ISBE changes.

Changed Option(5) to Parents have joint custody (05) - Formerly Other.
and made Option(6) disabled, changed text to This option should be changed to 05.

Note: Districts should review their data entry for all students with Family Structure codes of 05 or 06 to ensure the data is correct prior to submitting to ISBE. 06 - Parents who have joint custody is no longer a valid value.

PSSR-241512Display Race field for Caregiver demographics in student contact demographics page

To support Caregiver Demographics reporting, the Race field is exposed in the students' contact page adjacent to Education Level and employment status field in the UI. This requires PS 20.4.4 or higher to have the race field exposed.

Note: The Date of Birth field will be exposed in a future release.

PSSR-246742EL - School Year 2017 v 3.4 - Not Reporting any students

EL - School Year 2017: Version 3.5
The EL - School Year 2017 report was not reporting students for PowerSchool version greater than 19.11.2. The issue has been fixed to report expected records.

Note: the Online Docs have been corrected to reflect the Date W-APT Test Taken field not being part of the Selection Criteria.

PSSR-240652Enroll New Student page not honoring Data Validation Rule for Membershipshare field and defaulting to 0

Membership Share field when enrolling a new student honors the user defined Data Validation Rules.

PSSR-227270IL - Create new data entry to support Caregiver Demographics (BOY) - UI updates

You can enter data related to the Caregiver Demographics.
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Student's Contact Page

  • IsCaregiver
  • EducationLevelCode
  • PersonCoreFields
PSSR-240997IL - Create Seeding precondition flag on the District level

Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup
(Allows the user to load Health codes and subcodes)

PSSR-238509IL - Dental Examination Setup - Seeding

New Values for Health Oral Waiver Reason and Health Oral Outcome are inserted in the Health Lookup Table. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup, select the option, and submit. Once this is completed the values will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on start-up.
Refer to the online guide for seeded values.

PSSR-238510IL - Eye Examination Setup - Seeding

New Values for Health Vision Waiver Reason and Health Vision Outcome are inserted in the Health Lookup Table. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup, select the option, and submit. Once this is completed the values will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on start-up.
Refer to the online guide for seeded values.

PSSR-227784IL - Grade Level Entry Certification - Seeding

New Codeset for Grade Level Entry Certification and Certification Status Values. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup, select the option and submit. Once this is completed the values will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on start-up.
Refer to Online Help for seeded values.

PSSR-238507IL - Health and Immunization Setup - Medication and Concern - Seeding

A new Codeset has been created for Medication and Concern, the codes are inserted in the CodeSet Table. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup select the option and submit. Once this is completed the Codeset will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on startup.
Refer to the Online Help for seeded values.

PSSR-238506IL - Health and Immunization Setup - Seeding - Immunization - Vaccines

A new Codes has been created for Vaccines, the codes are inserted in the HEALTHVACCINE Table.
Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup select the option, and submit. Once this is completed the codes will be seeded in the HEALTHVACCINE table on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on start-up.
Refer to the Online Help for seeded values.

PSSR-238596IL - Health and Immunization Setup - Alternative Proof Of Immunity - Seeding

A new Codeset has been created for Alternative Proof Of Immunity, the codeset is called 'Immunity Proof'. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup select the option, and submit. Once this is completed the Codeset will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on startup.
Refer to the Online Help for seeded values.

PSSR-238599IL - Health and Immunization Setup - Immunization Exemption types - Seeding

A new Codeset has been created for Exemption Types, the codes are inserted in HEALTHIMMEXEMPT Table. Customers must be on PowerSchool 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup select the checkbox and submit. Once this is completed the Codeset will be seeded on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on startup.
Refer to the Online Huide for seeded values.

PSSR-242562IL - Student 504 Plan Information - 504 Plan Start Date Override and 504 Plan Exit Date Override cannot be saved in PowerSchool 20.4.x.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > 504 Plan
The 504 Plan page was no longer saving the 504 Plan Start Date Override and 504 Plan Exit Date Override in PowerSchool 20.4.x. The page has been modified to save the 504 Plan Start Date Override and 504 Plan Exit Date Override.

PSSR-240397IL - Update Health and Immunization pages - Diabetes Screening

The Diabetes Monitoring on Start Page > Student Selection > Health has been updated to include the following fields:

  • BMI>85% age/sex
  • Family History
  • Ethnic Minority
  • Signs of Insulin Resistance (hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acanthosis nigricans)
  • At-Risk

Note: This ticket requires PowerSchool version 20.4.4 or higher.

PSSR-238508IL - Health and Immunization Setup - Screening - Seeding

New Values added for Screening Outcome for Vital Signs/Biometrics Screening, Lead Screening, and Tuberculosis TB Screening. Customers must be on PowerSchool version 20.4 and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup select the option and submit. Once this is completed the codes will be seeded in the HealthScreenLookup table on the next ReportSchemaUpdate (hourly process) or on start-up.
Refer to the Online Help for seeded values.

PSSR-234089IL - Discipline Report that leverages Incident Management (New)

IL Discipline Report version 1.0
A new Student Discipline Report is available that supports Incident Management. Go to S*tart > System Reports > State Tab > IL Discipline Report (under Student Demographics category).*

Note: Districts using Log Entries will continue to use the legacy report.

PSSR-240774IL - Prenatal Report Issue

Prenatal Report Version 1.1
IL-Prenatal Report has been updated to generate records for Prenatal Program records where the Exit Date is blank.

PSSR-227783New Tab on Health Page: Health History

Health and Immunization UI pages have been updated with the new tab 'Health History'. All questions and fields under the tab can be found in Start Page > Student Selection > Health >Health History.

PSSR-221926Percent Day Attended (PDA) Validation update - Student re-enroll

Percent Day Attended (PDA) (Formerly FTE) field has been updated to respect validation rules on the re-enroll student page.

PSSR-242319Update Language of Instruction, Home Language Code, and Native Language Code

New codes 194 - Geser-Goram ,195 - Tajik has been added to Language of Instruction, Home Language Code, and Native Language Code .

PSSR-238976Validation Error Required When Exit Date is prior to the Date Prenatal Services Started

Validation Error added not to submit the page when Exit Date prior to the Date Prenatal Services Started.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.