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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-228929Physical Restraint/Time Out Data Entry

Districts need to track students' restraint/seclusion data. This data does not need to be (and usually is not) related to a discipline incident.

The Physical Restraint/Time Out link for the data entry is available from the left-hand pane (when a student is selected) above SEOP Link. You can add, update, and delete records. The Physical Restraint/Time Out page has the following validations:

  • Occurrence Date and Event Type are required.
  • Users cannot enter a future Occurrence Date
  • Occurrence Start Time and Occurrence End Time fields can only have TIME entry into them in the format HH:MI PM/AM
  • Occurrence End Time should not be before Occurrence Start Time

A new table, S_STU_RESTRAINT_SECL_C, is added to log the restraint/seclusion data for each student.

PSSR-233789New - PowerTeacher Restraint & Time Out Data Entry

In order to allow teachers to enter instances of Restraint / Time Out, a new link and a data collection page are available in the PowerTeacher portal. Through this data entry page, the following fields can be populated. Once the record is submitted, it will be viewable in the admin portal.

  • Occurrence Date (Date)
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Event Type
  • Notes (String, 400)
You must enable this functionality for teachers to see and use the new link to the data entry page. To enable this function, navigate to:
Start Page> District Setup> District Info > Enable Restraint & Time Out from Teacher Portal
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