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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-233581IL Course Assignment: Generates Duplicate Records For Students With Two School Enrollments

IL Course Assignment: Version 4.2

The report is updated to extract a single record when a student has multiple school enrollments with differing grade levels in the report date range.

PSSR-235127 IL Gifted and Accelerated Report - Should Only Return Students Active on Snapshot Date

IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Version 1.1

The report now returns only students who are active on the snapshot date entered on the report parameter page.

PSSR-235129IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Ignores Exclude this Student from State Reporting

IL Gifted and Accelerated Report version: 1.3

The report is updated so that if the "Exclude this student from State Reporting" checkbox is selected, that student's record is not reported.

PSSR-235128IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Returns Multiple Rows for Students With More than One School Enrollment

IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Version 1.1

The report is updated to return only one row when a student has multiple enrollments for the school year.

PSSR-235126IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Should Only Pull K-12 Students

IL Gifted and Accelerated Report: Version 1.1

The report now pulls only students in grades K through 12 and no longer pulls Pre-K students.

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