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S_IL_STU_Prenatal_C (ver

This table is a child of the [Students] table.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID20.5.2.0Number(10,0)ID field of the extension table.
StudentsDCID20.5.2.0Number(10,0)Primary key that relates this extended table back to the Students table. 
Services_Start_Date20.5.2.0DateThe date the Prenatal Services started.
Due_Date20.5.2.0DateThe mother's due date.
Exit_Reason20.5.2.0Varchar2(2)The reason the mother stopped prenatal care.
Exit_Date20.5.2.0DateThe date the mother stopped prenatal care.
Total_No_HomeVisits20.5.2.0Varchar2(3)The total number of Home Visits during the year.
TotNo_ParentGrpsOrSess_Att20.5.2.0Varchar2(3)The total number of Parent Groups or Sessions the mother attended during the year.
Number_Of_Birthed_Children20.5.2.0Varchar2(2)The number of children to which the mother gave birth
MotherDelivered_Child20.5.2.0Varchar2(30)Where the mother delivered the child.
MotherDelivered_ChildCity20.5.2.0Varchar2(30)The town or city where the mother delivered the child.
MotherDelivered_ChildState20.5.2.0Varchar2(2)The state where the mother delivered the child.
MotherDelivered_ChildCounty20.5.2.0Varchar2(30)The county where the mother delivered the child.
Care_Start_Trimester20.5.2.0Varchar2(2)The trimester in which the prenatal care started.

The date the mother delivered the child.

Delivery_Place22.2.2.0Varchar2(2)The place the mother delivered the child.
Delivery_County22.2.2.0Varchar2(3)The county the mother delivered the child.
Doula_Received22.2.2.0Number(11)The total number of Doula Services received during the year.
Fiscal_Year22.2.2.0Number(11)Fiscal year.
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