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S_IL_STU_ConEnr_C (ver 17.7.0)

This table is a child of the [Students] table. These fields enable concurrent enrollments for Illinois students.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID17.7.0Number(10,0)ID field of the extension table.
StudentsDCID17.7.0Number(10,0)Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table. 
Enrollment_Entry_Type_Code17.7.0Varchar2(2)Enrollment code of this concurrent enrollment.
EnrollmentType17.7.0Varchar2(2)Enrollment type of this concurrent enrollment.
EntryCode17.7.0Varchar2(10)Entry code of this concurrent enrollment.
EntryComment17.7.0Varchar2(1000)Entry comment of this concurrent enrollment.
EntryDate17.7.0DateEntry date of this concurrent enrollment.
ExitCode17.7.0Varchar2(10)Exit code of this concurrent enrollment.
ExitComment17.7.0Varchar2(1000)Exit comment of this concurrent enrollment.
ExitDate17.7.0DateExit date of this concurrent enrollment.
FTE17.7.0Number(25,10)FTE of this concurrent enrollment.
FTEID17.7.0Number(11,0)FTE ID (type) of this concurrent enrollment.
Grade_Level17.7.0Number(11,0)Grade level of this concurrent enrollment.
MembershipShare17.7.0Number(25,10)Membership share of this concurrent enrollment.
RCDTS_Home_School17.7.0Varchar2(15)The RCDTS of the home school for this concurrent enrollment.
RCDTS_Service_Provider17.7.0Varchar2(15)The RCDTS of the service for this concurrent enrollment.
RCDTS_Serving_School17.7.0Varchar2(15)The RCDTS of the serving school for this concurrent enrollment.
SchoolID17.7.0Number(10,0)School of this concurrent enrollment.

Exclude this enrollment from state reporting.

Enrollment_Exit_Status17.9.0Varchar2(2)The exit status of the concurrent enrollment.
Enrollment_Exit_Type_Code17.9.0Varchar2(2)The enrollment exit type code of the concurrent enrollment.

EnrollmentID,0)The enrollment to which the entry corresponds.
Exclude_Attendance19.7.1.0Number(1,0)Exclude attendance from IL attendance reporting at the Concurrent Enrollment level
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