S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_X 18.7.0
This table is an extension table of the [STUDENTS] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
EI_Number | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(6) | A student's early intervention number. |
Program_Model | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(2) | Programs to support child development from birth to age 3. |
ServiceLoc_PreventionInit | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(2) | Service Location (Modality) for Prevention Initiative Programs. |
Eligibilty_Tool | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(2) | Screening for Eligibility Tool. |
LowBirthWeight | 18.7.0 | Boolean | Checkbox to indicate whether student was born with low birth weight. |
ParentMarriedWhenStuBorn | 18.7.0 | Boolean | Was Parent Married at the Time of Student's Birth. |
Biological_Mom_BirthDate | 18.7.0 | Date | Biological Mother's Birth Date. |
Receiving_ChildSupport | 18.7.0 | Boolean | Student's Family is Receiving Child Support. |
Social_Emo_Development | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(2) | Screening for Social and Emotional Development. |
TotalVisits_PerYear | 18.7.0 | Integer | Total Number of Visits During the Year. |
ParentGrps_Attend_PerYear | 18.7.0 | Integer | Total Number of Parent Groups/Sessions Attended During the Year. |
Hours_DCFS_ChildCare | 18.7.0 | Integer | Total Number of Hours Student Spent in DCFS Licensed Child Care Center. |
TeenParents_Child | | Boolean | Child of Teen Parents |
Months_Breastfed | | Integer | Number of Months Child was Breastfed during Enrollment |
Preterm_Birth | | Boolean | Preterm Birth (before 37 weeks) |
PIhours_DCFS_ChildCare | | Integer | Total Number of Hours Student spent in DCFS Licensed Family Child Care Home During the Fiscal Year (PI hours only) |