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S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_X 18.7.0

This table is an extension table of the [STUDENTS] table.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
EI_Number18.7.0Varchar2(6)A student's early intervention number.
Program_Model18.7.0Varchar2(2)Programs to support child development from birth to age 3.

Service Location (Modality) for Prevention Initiative Programs.

Eligibilty_Tool18.7.0Varchar2(2)Screening for Eligibility Tool.
LowBirthWeight18.7.0BooleanCheckbox to indicate whether student was born with low birth weight.
ParentMarriedWhenStuBorn18.7.0BooleanWas Parent Married at the Time of Student's Birth.
Biological_Mom_BirthDate18.7.0DateBiological Mother's Birth Date.
Receiving_ChildSupport18.7.0BooleanStudent's Family is Receiving Child Support.
Social_Emo_Development18.7.0Varchar2(2)Screening for Social and Emotional Development.
TotalVisits_PerYear18.7.0IntegerTotal Number of Visits During the Year.

Total Number of Parent Groups/Sessions Attended During the Year.

Hours_DCFS_ChildCare18.7.0IntegerTotal Number of Hours Student Spent in DCFS Licensed Child Care Center.
TeenParents_Child22.1.2.0BooleanChild of Teen Parents

Number of Months Child was Breastfed during Enrollment

Preterm_Birth22.1.2.0BooleanPreterm Birth (before 37 weeks)

Total Number of Hours Student spent in DCFS Licensed Family Child Care Home During the Fiscal Year (PI hours only)

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