Primary Nighttime Residence
Define the following primary nighttime residence codes.
Code | Description |
Blank | Blank |
01 | Sheltered – Identifies a student who is living in emergency / transitional shelters, abandoned in hospitals, or awaiting foster care placement. |
02 | Doubled Up – Identifies a student who is doubled up or sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons. |
03 | Unsheltered – Identifies a student who is living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, public spaces, bus or train stations, campgrounds, temporary trailers including FEMA trailers, or substandardized housing. |
04 | Hotels / Motels – Identifies a student that is living in a hotel or motel. |
05 | Natural Disaster |
99 | Erroneous – Homeless record created in error. |