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Log Entry Fields

The following log entry fields must be defined for the district.

Note: For the IL End of Year report, Suspensions are defined as log entries with a log type of "Discipline" and action taken of "O", and Expulsions are defined as log entries with a log type of "Discipline" and action taken of "E" or "S". Suspensions and Expulsions due to serious reasons are specified using an incident type of "FIT" for Physical Fighting, "WPO" for Weapon Possession, "ALC" for Alcohol Related, and "DRG" for Illicit Drug Related. No Pass – No Play Suspensions are specified using an action taken detail of "ATH", "EXT", or "AAE".

Removals to an Interim Alternative Education Setting are defined as log entries with a log type of "Discipline" and consequence of "RSP" (by school personnel) or "RHO" (based on hearing officer determination). Drug Offenses are specified using an incident type of "DRG" and Dangerous Weapons Offenses are specified using an incident type of "WPO". The student must also have a disability specified to be included in the report of children unilaterally removed to an Interim Alternative Education Setting, or suspended or expelled for more than 10 days. A student counted in the Removals to an Interim Alternative Education Setting will not be included in the Suspensions or Expulsions greater than 10 days.

Suspensions, Expulsions, and Removals to an Interim Alternative Education Setting must have an action date within the date range of the IL End of Year report to be included.

Field Name

Data for Popup or Radio Buttons


Please Select;*

RSP; Removed to Interim Alternative Education Setting by School Personnel

RHO; Removed to Interim Alternative Education Setting Based on a Hearing Officer Determination Regarding Likely Injury


Please Select;*

ALC; Alcohol (Possession, Use, Sale)

DRG; Drugs, Excluding Alcohol

FIT; Fighting

WPO; Weapon Possession


Please Select;*

E; Expulsion (No Service Provided)

S; Expulsion (Services Provided)

O; Suspension (Out Of School)


Please Select;*

ATH; Athletics Ineligible

EXT; Extracurricular Ineligible

AAE; Athletics and Extracurricular Ineligible


Input Type = select Entry Field

Data for Popup or Radio buttons = leave this box blank

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