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CRDC specific to Illinois: S_STU_CRDC_X (ver 14.12.12)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table and provides CRDC-specific fields for Illinois. To view additional CRDC fields used by all states, refer to S_STU_CRDC_X in the All States Data Dictionary.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.




Indicates whether or not the student took the American College Test (ACT). Migrates from [Students]CRDC_ACT_YN.
APExam16.6.2VarChar2(1)Code indicating if the student took (A)ll AP exams, (S)ome AP exams, or (N)o AP exams. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_APExam.
APExamPassed16.6.2VarChar2(1)Code indicating if the student passed (A)ll AP exams, (S)ome AP exams, or (N)o AP exams. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_APExamPassed
ExcludeFromCRDC_TF14.12.12Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student is excluded from the CRDC reporting. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_exclude
GEDPrepProgram_YN16.6.2VarChar2(1)Indicates whether or not the student participates in a General Educational Development (GED) preparation program. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_GEDPrepProgram_YN.
GEDPrepProgramCred_YN16.6.2VarChar2(1)Indicates whether or not the student earned a General Educational Development (GED) program credential. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_GEDPrepProgramCred_YN.
IBDiplomaProgram_YN16.6.2VarChar2(1)Indicates whether or not the student is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program. Migrates from [Students]CRDC_IB.
SAT_YN16.6.2VarChar2(1)Indicates whether or not the student took the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Migrates from [Students]CRDC_SAT_YN.

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