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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-293774  Immunization Report Updates

ID Immunization Report: Version 1.7

The following logic updates have been made to the Immunization report:

  • Conditionally Admitted Counts - The report logic has been updated and now counts students as conditionally admitted for a given vaccine if the following is true:
    • The general Conditionally Admitted checkbox is selected
    • The Conditionally Admitted checkbox for the specific, applicable vaccine is selected
    • The student has at least one dose of the given vaccine
  • No Record Counts - The report logic has been updated and students are now recorded in the No Record count (either for a specific vaccine or across all vaccines in section E) if they have no dose dates for a specific vaccine or if they have no dose dates for any vaccine
PSSR-292337Immunization Report Updates for Meningococcal & 12th Graders

Additional Reference: PSSR-292510

ID Immunization Report: Version 1.7

The ID Immunization report has been updated and now pulls the various data points that pertain to the 12th-grade column.

Additionally, a new field has been added to the ID Immunization page (path below) and is leveraged to determine the count of students that were Conditionally Admitted for Meningococcal.

  • Start Page> [Select Student]> State / Province ID> Immunizations
  • New Field Name: S_ID_STU_X.Field Name.IMM_Conditional_Men
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