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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-281819All States/Provinces: New Office Visit Details Report

Office Visit Details: Version 1.0

A new Office Visit Details report is now available on the System Reports tab and can be run for a specific school and for a specific time frame based on user defined Start and End Date parameters.

The report can be run to include any (or all) of the various data groupings (listed below) within an Office Visit record.

Visit Details

This data grouping displays:

  • Visit Reason
  • Vital Signs
  • Accident Info
  • Assessment
  • Outcome & Actions
  • Change Reason

The report can also be configured to return Office Visit data by student or by date.

At this time, the report will return the results in an HTML format but a PDF output option is being developed and will be released in a future release.

PSSR-280470Special Education Students - Parent Consent Date Validation Update

ID Special Education Students Report: Version 4.3

The Special Education Students report has the following updates:

  • If the report is run in validation mode, the Parent Consent Date validation now triggers when the Parent Consent Date field is blank and either of the following are true:
    • If IDSpedDate is after the last day of the prior school year or if 60DTline is reported.
  • If the report is not run in validation mode, the Parent Consent Date now pulls when a 60DTline value is reported.
PSSR-281778Staff Assignments Extract Returning Incorrect Start Date & Staff ID When Set to Start in the Future

ID Staff Assignments Extract: Version 3.5

The Staff Assignments extract has been updated and now pulls the correct Start Date when additional staff is assigned to be the lead teacher of a section on a future date.

PSSR-274409State Page Updates to Prevent Potential Security Attacks

Additional Reference: PSSR-274408

Updates have been made to various state reporting pages in ID to prevent potential security attacks.

PSSR-289551Student Course Enrollment - Usability Update

ID Student Course Enrollments Report: Version 6.2

The Student Course Enrollment report has been updated and now reports any course enrollment that was active for at least 1 during the user defined reporting period.

This version of the report (Beta appended at the end of the report name) does not check whether the course enrollment dates fall within the school enrollment dates. This makes the report more accommodating for incorrect data but results in fewer missed records.

This beta version will be available alongside the original version (version 6.1) through the EOY reporting period and, once the EOY ISEE submission is over, the original version (version 6.1) will be deprecated.

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