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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282995All States/Provinces: CRDC Report (2020-2021): CRDC School 3 File - Headers Update

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The Common template (shared by all states) of the CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to have the correct column headers for the new Staff Offenses columns as per the information provided in the 'CRDC School 3.csv' file.

The base version of the CRDC 2020-2021 report is updated to 1.1 with this release. State-specific updates to the base version are denoted with a second dot version number (e.g., CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1.1).

PSSR-282741All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Student Enrollment in Remote Computer Science Classes

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report Common Template is updated to return student information for remote school enrollments in Computer Science classes. Initially it was only returning information for home school enrollments.

PSSR-277063All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference Updated in Parent Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry page in the public portal has been updated and now records will not save if the Date field is blank.

PSSR-281977All States/Provinces: Digital Equity Device Type Field Added in Public Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference new record page, in the public portal, has been updated and now the Device Type field can be populated by parents and guardians if the district has opted to expose this page.

PSSR-269159All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.4

The Health Report has been updated and the Hearing Screening Outcome column is now returning the display values (Pass/Fail) rather than the State Name value.

PSSR-277894All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Clinic Log report has been updated and will no longer display previous school’s office visit records.

PSSR-280689CRDC - School-level CRDC_ProvidesUngraded_YN

On the Edit School page, the field ProvidesUngraded_YN has been added and is the data source for SCHR-1 in the school form.

PSSR-278669CRDC 21-22 Data Collection Update - Perceived Religion

In order to support CRDC 2021-22 reporting, a new Action Attribute, Perceived Religion has been added within the Action in Incident Management.

This new Action Attribute is only needed for CRDC reporting.

PSSR-280569Gifted Students Report Update - Students Excluded from State Reporting

ID Gifted Students Report: Version 3.3

The report has been updated to no longer report students that have been excluded from state reporting.

PSSR-279243Student Demographics - ORA-00978: Nested Group Function Update

ID Student Demographics Report: Version 7.7

A few districts on Oracle 19c reported that the Student Demographics report failed with the error: ORA-00978: nested group function without GROUP BY

The report is now updated to complete as expected for districts on Oracle 19c.

PSSR-279031Student Demographics Report - chronicallyAbsent Update

ID Student Demographics Report: Version 7.7

The Student Demographics report has been updated and the chronicallyAbsent element now reports only if a student exits school during the reporting period. This column is blank for students that did not exist during the reporting period.

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