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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-226725 Edit Section Page - Second Teacher Idaho Staff ID Update

The Edit Section Page is updated so that values in the Second Teacher Idaho Staff ID field can be cleared as expected.

PSSR-222226Immunization Rules Update

Immunization rules can now accommodate the catch-up schedule, as per the state guidelines.

Note: The School Entry Date feature is removed. The rules are calculated based on the student's school enrollment, regardless of the enrollment status.

PSSR-228808Legal Name/Gender Field Updates

The following updates are made to the Legal Name/Gender fields:

  • Legal Name and Gender fields are removed from the Enroll New Student page.
  • Copy buttons are removed from all Legal Name and Gender fields.
  • The location of the Suffix field is moved up to the right of the view-only name fields.
  • Alias Name is moved to the Deprecated Fields page.
PSSR-228807Student Demographics Report - servedTitleI Update

ID Student Demographics Report: Version 7.1

The Student Demographics Report is updated to show Y in the field "servedTitleI" field when the School-level Title I Program field is set to School-Wide Title I. If this school-level field is not set to School-Wide Title I, the servTitleI element will be derived using special program records (as it always has).

PSSR-220350Update Validation on Name Fields and Update Student Demographics Report

Student Demographic Report: Version 7.1

Student name fields now allow data to be entered up to the full, defined column width. Characters limits are now:

  • 50 characters for Student first name
  • 50 characters for Student last name
  • 30 characters for Student middle name
  • 100 characters for Legal first name
  • 100 characters for Legal last name
  • 100 characters for Legal middle name

The Student Demographics report is updated to include:

  • 35 characters for first name and last name
  • 40 characters for middle name when legal middle name is populated, otherwise maximum length of 30 characters of the student middle name.
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