Setup Summary
- Set up Calendar Membership Types via Start Page > District Setup > Calendar Membership Types
- Identify the largest group of students in each school with the same schedule and school dates.
- Set up the school calendar for this majority group of students via Start Page > School Setup > Calendar Setup.
- Assign the appropriate Calendar Membership Type to each weekday in the calendar. You must also assign the appropriate Day, Schedule, In Session, and Membership value to each day.
- Identify all of the student groups in your school who do not follow the schedule defined in the school calendar (steps 3 and 4, above).
- Create a unique district calendar for each unique student schedule and school year via Start Page > District Setup > District Info > Click HERE to Create/Edit Idaho District Calendar Information > New.
- Enter a Calendar Number, Calendar Name, and Calendar Type for each district calendar. Choose the Default School Calendar.
- If the calendar type selected is Kindergarten, then you must choose a Kindergarten Session Type.
- The Notes field is required for Kindergarten Sessions types of 7, 8 or 9.
- If the Calendar Type is A, SA, or DR, select the Max Hours checkbox.
- Assign a default district calendar to each school via Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School Default District Calendar. Assign the district calendar that applies to the majority of students in the school.
- Assign the appropriate Year value to the calendar record.
- For each district calendar, define all days that are different from the school calendar (assigned in step 8) via Start Page > District Setup > District Info > Click HERE to Create/Edit Idaho District Calendar Information > ID District Calendar Days > New.
- Enter the date and choose the amount of time for each time type.
- The values entered in the Instructional Time column represents the 'maximum' attendance credit a student can earn on the specified date.
- For full-time students, instruction time is in increments of 0.5 or 1.0 and the combined total for all time types on a single day cannot exceed 1.0.
- For half-time kindergarten students, instruction time is in increments of 0.25 or 0.5 and the total for all time types cannot exceed 0.5.
- For alternative schools or 'dual enrolled' students, instruction time is in hourly increments of 1.0 through 12 and the total for all time types cannot exceed 12.
- In cases where the default district calendar for a school does not apply to all students enrolled in that school, the appropriate calendar ID must be assigned to these students individually via: Start Page > Student > State/Province - ID > Student Information > District Calendar ID.