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S_ID_USR_CONTRACTS_C (ver 15.7.3)

This is a child extension of the Users table.

Column Name


Data Type





Foreign key to the users table.

BaseSalary15.7.3Number(11,0)For Certified staff, the base salary on the Contract rounded to the nearest dollar.
ContractDays15.7.3Number(11,0)For certified staff, the annual number of days based on a five day work week contracted in the contract.
ContractEndDate15.7.3DateThe effective end date of the contract.
ContractFTE15.7.3Number(25,10)The full-time equivalent for the contract.
ContractHours15.7.3Number(11,0)For certified staff, the total annual  hours contracted in the contract for the year.
ContractNumber15.7.3Number(11,0)The professional practice level of performance from the evaluation.
ContractStartDate15.7.3DateThe effective start date of the contract.
ContractType15.7.3Varchar2(10)The student achievement level of performance from the evaluation.
fundSource115.7.3Varchar2(10)The code for how the employee is funded - source 1.


15.7.3Varchar2(10)The code for how the employee is funded - source 2.
fundSource315.7.3Varchar2(10)The code for how the employee is funded - source 3.
fundSource415.7.3Varchar2(10)The code for how the employee is funded - source 4.
percentSource115.7.3Number(25,10)The percentage of funding from source 1.
percentSource215.7.3Number(25,10)The percentage of funding from source 2.
percentSource315.7.3Number(25,10)The percentage of funding from source 3.
percentSource415.7.3Number(25,10)The percentage of funding from source 4.
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