S_ID_SEN_X (ver 15.7.0)
This is an extension of the SpEnrollments table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SpEnrollmentsDCID | 15.7.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
AcademicGift | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Academically Gifted (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_AcademicGift]. |
Acc1 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | No longer in use. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Acc1]. |
Acc2 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | No longer in use. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Acc2]. |
Acc3 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | No longer in use. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Acc3]. |
Adapt | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Adaptation (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Adapt]. |
ArtsGift | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Visual/Performing Arts Gifted (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ArtsGift]. |
CaseManager | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(20) | Case Manager (Idaho Staff ID). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_CaseManager]. |
CMDADate | 15.7.0 | Date | Current CMDA Date. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_CMDADate]. |
ConsentDate | 15.7.0 | Date | Date the parents signed consent for initial assessment/eligibility determination. Starts 60 day timeline. |
CreativeGift | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Creatively Gifted (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_CreativeGift]. |
DaysLate | 15.7.0 | Number(11,0) | 60-day Timeline Compliance Days Late. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_DaysLate]. |
Environment | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Special Education Environment. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Environment]. |
Exceptionality | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Primary Exceptionality (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Exceptionality]. |
Exceptionality2 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Exceptionality 2 (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Exceptionality2]. |
Exceptionality3 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Exceptionality 3 (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Exceptionality3]. |
Exceptionality4 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Exceptionality 4 (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Exceptionality4]. |
Exceptionality5 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Exceptionality 5 (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Exceptionality5]. |
ExRule | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | 60-day Timeline Compliance Late Exception Rule. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ExRule]. |
GTIdDate | 15.7.0 | Date | First Identified as Gifted/Talented. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_GTIdDate]. |
HomelessResidence | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Homeless Residence (1 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_HomelessResidence]. |
HomelessUAY | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Homeless Unaccomp. Youth (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_HomelessUAY]. |
IDSpedDate | 15.7.0 | Date | First Identified as qualifying for SPED Services. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_IDSpedDate]. |
IEPDate | 15.7.0 | Date | Active IEP Date. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_IEPDate]. |
InFosterCare | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | No UI element, not in use. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_InFosterCare]. |
IntellectualGift | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Intellectually Gifted (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_IntellectualGift]. |
LanguageAA | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Language Alternatively Assessed (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LanguageAA]. |
LanguageDictAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Language LEP Word for Word Dictionary (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LanguageDictAcmd]. |
LanguageFormAcmd | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Language Accommodation 1 Form (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LanguageFormAcmd]. |
LanguageHS | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Language Usage Home School where taught (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LanguageHS]. |
LanguageOtherAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Language Additional Accommodation(s) (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LanguageOtherAcmd]. |
LDRea | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | 60-day Timeline Compliance Late Determination Reason. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LDRea]. |
LeadershipGift | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Leadership Gifted (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LeadershipGift]. |
LEPLanguage | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | LEP Language (1 char code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LEPLanguage]. |
LEPStatus | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | LEP Status (2 char code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_LEPStatus]. |
MathDictAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Mathematics LEP Word for Word Dictionary (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MathDictAcmd]. |
MathematicsAA | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Mathematics Alternatively Assessed (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MathematicsAA]. |
MathematicsHS | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Mathematics Home School where taught (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MathematicsHS]. |
MathFormAcmd | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Mathematics Accommodation 1 Form (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MathFormAcmd]. |
MathOtherAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Mathematics Additional Accommodation(s) (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MathOtherAcmd]. |
MinPerWeek | 15.7.0 | Number(11,0) | Special Education Minutes Per Week. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_MinPerWeek]. |
ReadingAA | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Reading Alternatively Assessed (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ReadingAA]. |
ReadingDictAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Reading LEP Word for Word Dictionary (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ReadingDictAcmd]. |
ReadingFormAcmd | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Reading Accommodation 1 Form (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ReadingFormAcmd]. |
ReadingHS | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Reading Home School where taught (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ReadingHS]. |
ReadingOtherAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Reading Additional Accommodation(s) (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ReadingOtherAcmd]. |
RelServ1 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ1]. |
RelServ10 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ10]. |
RelServ2 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ2]. |
RelServ3 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ3]. |
RelServ4 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ4]. |
RelServ5 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ5]. |
RelServ6 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ6]. |
RelServ7 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ7]. |
RelServ8 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ8]. |
RelServ9 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Related Service (2 digit code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_RelServ9]. |
ScienceAA | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Science Alternatively Assessed (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ScienceAA]. |
ScienceDictAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Science LEP Word for Word Dictionary (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ScienceDictAcmd]. |
ScienceFormAcmd | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Science Accommodation 1 Form (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ScienceFormAcmd]. |
ScienceHS | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Science Home School where taught (Y/N). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ScienceHS]. |
ScienceOtherAcmd | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Science Additional Accommodation(s) (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ScienceOtherAcmd]. |
ServiceSchoolID | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(8) | Service School ID (services at different school). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_ServiceSchoolID]. |
SixtyDTline | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | 60-Day timeline compliance. Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_60DTline]. |
SpedEligible | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | SPED Eligibility (1 char code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_SpedEligible]. |
sse_ASLELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_ASLELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_ASLMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_ClosedCapELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates if Closed Captioning is available for ELA tests. |
sse_ColorContELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_ColorContELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_ColorContMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_LangELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. (ELA) |
sse_LangELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. (ELA-PT) |
sse_LangMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. (Math) |
sse_MaskingELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_MaskingELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_MaskingMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_PermModeELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_PermModeELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_PermModeMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_PrintSizeELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_PrintSizeELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_PrintSizeMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_StreamModeELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_StreamModeELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_StreamModeMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_TransELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_TransELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_TransMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
sse_TTSELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA) |
sse_TTSELAPT | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (ELA-PT) |
sse_TTSMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(40) | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. (Math) |
Tested_Ineligible | 15.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Tested - Ineligible for Special Education (1/null). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_Tested_Ineligible]. |
UndetRea | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | SPED Eligibility Undetermined Reason (2 char code). Migrated from [SpEnrollments.ID_UndetRea]. |